(This is about car horns -up gradation)

I will not say the original ANHC horns are bad; at least mine came with the dual horns.
But many time I felt that it has become ineffective to some people who make me to think whether these humans have lost what I learned in medicine ‘response to stimuli ’.
Unfortunately my work place main gate is being always blocked by a crowd of people waiting for their bus, not bothered about anything except looking at their mobile or hearing to their ear phones. One should be lucky enough to cross them without any issues, or they will bang the car at any side.
So, I thought to upgrade my horns.
Many types got into my analysis… the sound, life, current consumption, and legal issues , even about pipe, vacuum or musical horns that generates noise that is above permissible decibel levels.
I felt, it better to go for the one Honda accepts for upgrade and the proven one as well - The HELLA Red Grill Super Tone horn set. At the dealer, it costs Rs.2250. The horn set price is Rs.1175/- and including fitting charges, it is Rs.1550/-@ outside.
Since I wanted to do some other electrical works which I will share with you later (of course keeping in mind warranty issues), and I was hunting for a good auto electrician.
At last, I decided to try a person through a known source. He did a good job, and replaced the original horns, of course it was inevitable to remove the front bumper and remove the horn socket plugs (special connector) which were attached with the OE ones. The horns are fitted in the centre at the front grill to avoid blockage of sound and sounds reversing inside the cabin.
I don’t know whether it is correct and I am little worried as the new horns should with stand water splash during water wash as the OE ones. Hope, HELLA RG will not disappoint me. The cut- out that came with the kit was not installed as the ampere is almost same & the horns were connected through the original circuitry & I believe they have a relay inbuilt.
Somehow I am not for dual horns with additional switch and I know, I will forget the OE horns after some time.
The horns are sounding good really and I am not a person to press/ honk them continuously to irritate others but expect a simple touch / honk for about a second should give them sufficient warning. It works!
What I observed:
The horns are massive in size when compared to the stock one.
It’s powerful! The sound is so striking, loud but not the one which I do not want, the loudest one.
It’s always better to use the horn only when really required. I honk to make their senses working where some 2 & 4 wheelers do not check their mirrors before changing lanes as well as against some irresponsible road crossers.
The effectiveness of horn mounting is more related to the length, layer and thickness of the mounting strip to minimise vibrations while allowing horn to freely make the desired noise and restrict consequent vibrations. Place of mounting of horns are important so that the sound of Horn is heard outside and not inside Car cabin much.

The Origional Horn vs Hella RG Super Tone
Please think it twice before going for car horns upgrade. It really depends upon your driving style, High way driving, area of living (hospitals, educational institutions and courts declared as silence area), attitude of people, hill & hairpin bends. Though we use higher decibel horns in our practical life anything above 75 db is not legal in India
Category of area/Zone & Limits in db Day time / Night time
(a) Industrial area 75 / 70
(b) Commercial area 65 / 55
(c) Residential area 55 / 45
(d) Silence zone 50 / 40