My Ambhaari: Mahindra XUV500 Buying & Ownership Experience

Thread Starter #106
Nov 8, 2012
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

I have not driven the new XUV5OO @Fordfiest1.6 mate.

Coincidentally, my colleague bought a XUV5OO automatic today! I did not take for a spin, but checked with him the performance (both of us were driving Scorpio so our driving style is 'calibrated' and it was easy to compare). Nothing more than what you would find any automobile blog, which am sure you have read it. "Value for money" is the final verdict.

Why dont you take good and long test drive? It requires preparation - time of the day, duration, distance and stretch where you want to test drive (offer to pay for diesel if the showroom cribs), checklist, and so on. I did that before I bought my XUV.

Let us know how it goes! Finally go with what your 'heart' says [:D]


Honoured Member
May 16, 2014
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

first of all ,congrats for your xuv"s name ambhari.Its very unique and catchy.Secondly more congrats for re-owning(or should I say reclaiming)your vehicle.
Jan 13, 2015
Coimbatore (CBE)
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Yeah i think thats a good idea. but what i want to know from you is was there any problem like rattle sound something of that sort because heard lot of XUV5OO owners where telling like that in thats why.
Thread Starter #109
Nov 8, 2012
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Thanx @mayankdixit :-)

@fordfiesta - I can't speak much about new XUV5OO but I can tell you the rattling sound is very minimal in XUV5OO compared to other Mahindra cars. I love music and find the cabin lot quieter than I expected. Of course, on bad roads you may experience rattling sound, which is quite normal.

The one area where Mahindra need to improve is 'suspension'. I believe it is better in new XUV5OO with latest ESP, but it needs to be driven to experience and compare.

@fordfiesta - start a separate thread to share your test drive experience, buying experience, so on irrespective what is your final decision. Good luck!
Feb 26, 2013
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Congratulations Manuman for the purchase. Long time it has been since anything has been updated on the vehicle.
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Thread Starter #111
Nov 8, 2012
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Been very long since I provided an update. Though nothing sensational, I shall share the last 6 months journey.

In the meantime, does anyone know how do I change the title of my thread? I have named my XUV now, hence wish to change the title [:)]
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Feb 15, 2010
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Been very long since I provided an update. Though nothing sensational, I shall share the last 6 months journey.

In the meantime, does anyone know how do I change the title of my thread? I have named my XUV now, hence wish to change the title [:)]
Click on ! (with triangle symbol) on the starting of the post.
Report the starting post with the title name you wish to have to the mods.
They will change it.
Aug 24, 2014
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

How are you? Hope you doing good. I had a question- how is the rat mesh holding up? any signs of rat yet? I am asking this because one rat has died in my engine bay. i am taking it for servicing tomo and i might get the rat mesh fixed. i had the similar problem in my zen estilo as well. once the rat finds a way inside ,other rats will follow the smell trail of the first one and try n sneak in even after months . One of it even died in the ac blower and the pillar as well. it was mess. [cry]
Thread Starter #114
Nov 8, 2012
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Thankyou @Mukeshus. Requested the same to Mod'.

@Dheeraj - the mesh is holding up very well. It's either the rats have disappeared and/or mesh is proving it's worth. no complaints. [:)]
Thread Starter #115
Nov 8, 2012
Some general update after long break.

Firstly, thanks to the mod’s for updating my thread title. My car is officially christened Ambhaari now [:D]

Secondly, I have a driver now for my daily commute which is a big change for me. Usual reasons for hiring a full-time driver – driving frustration during peak hour (I was afraid of road rage as I lack patience), helps me relax and attend to some work whilst on the road, and of course, affordability. I drive on weekends myself which will tell me if everything is ok with the car.

The car is running smooth as ever, as I near 35,000 KM mark on the ODO after >3.5 years. I expect it to clock more miles now that I have a driver. At the same time, I expect to face wear / tear due to a) age of the vehicle and b) driven by a driver. Clutch issue is something I am anticipating (going by Scorpio experience, twice), but hope I am wrong.

Planning to go for extended warranty to take care of any unforeseen issues such as clutch. Does it make cost sense? Those who’ve gone for extended warranty, please share your experience / pros / cons.

From my last update up until now, I have taken few long trips – Bangalore ~ Hampi ~ Bangalore, Bangalore ~ Chennai ~ Bangalore, Bangalore ~ Coorg ~ Wayanad ~ Bangalore. Absolutely delight to drive this car on long trips. Nothing new to brag – solid grip even on wet / bad roads, over-taking other vehicles at ease, clear visibility and intimidates on coming vehicles. In some stretches in Kerala and Coorg, I was able to try out Hill Hold and Hill Descent Control. It’s cool guys – you should try sometime.

During my trip to Chennai, a small pebble hit my windshield (I hate the stretch between Kanchipuram and Chennai, lots of sand laden truck) and it started cracking instantly. By the time I returned to Bangalore, the crack was 15” long. It was a pain talking to Royal Sundaram insurance and my leasing company. My RC card was changed around the same time (from leasing company to my name), but the car insurance was showing my name. In this hassle, cutting short the story, I ended up paying for the windshield (~10,000 rupees). If only Royal Sundaram had cooperated, I would not have paid the whole amount. Block listing Royal Sundaram in my dictionary. Here are some pictures of windshield crack.

Other than this there is a small niggle – the front-left wheel shows low on pressure but I have manually checked the pressure few times and found everything normal. Planning to swap it with spare wheel and check if the warning disappears. Shall keep you posted. Any other suggestion?

Finally, planning a pilgrimage trip within Karnataka. Kukke Subramanya, Dharmasthala, Horanadu, Sringeri, Kolluru, Murudeshwar, Udupi, and Mangalore. Not sure how many places I can cover but plan to take this trip during 1st week of October. Shall post details once I return. If anyone has taken trip along this stretch, please feel free to suggest feasible route.



Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
1> Driver decision is a good & Relaxing one. Just check he is not half clutching and not lugging the engine. 2 Habits most drivers have. Ask him to Shift at proper RPM.

2> Extended warranty, Go for it eyes closed. No challenge.

3> New clutch issues are coming up sadly. Just don't drive at all when problem arises. Call the Toll Free & wait for towing.

4> was 10k the total charge for Windshield replacement? Seems very reasonable. Fortuner windshield costs 35K (29k Glass+ labor)

5> For tyre pressure, Get TPMS learning done by ASS. Could be a bug.

Further details are in my Thunderbolt XUV thread.
Thread Starter #117
Nov 8, 2012
Well, well, well... it's been 9 months since I provided an update. As I alluded in my earlier post, I have been travelling a lot, and with the driver around, my personal drive is minimal. But, here is a summary.

The car has crossed 48K on the ODO now. Faced couple of frustrating issues, but in general the car is still running great!

1. Brake pads of both front and back had to be changed. The ‘Brake Pad Worn Out’ warning lit up and took it to ASS (Sireesh near electronics city). The RM removed and showed the pads – completely worn out! Had to replace both, without doubt. Costed me ~10K.

2. The front-right tyre had constant problem – couple of punctures at the same spot. The MRF guy suggested mushroom puncture, went with it, but issue recurred after a month. Went back for a redo and this time he suggested that I change the tire as it is at the same spot and any fix may not hold for long. Either it was a shabby job or really a bad puncture. I suggested to swap it with spare wheel for now. In another 10~15K KM anyway I have to change the tires. And that’s what I did, (the MRF guy did not charge me anything). No issue with any tires now.

3. Whilst at MRF service center, got the wheel alignment and balancing done. It was in good shape hence very little weight added.

4. The window motor went kaput! The front right (driver) window motor had to be replaced, and the rear-left motor was fixed with some servicing. Cost ~2.5K.

5. Finally, the clutch is giving some problem now - thanx Mahindra [frustration] There was some feeble noise and discomfort when you press, but the pedal is not struck. Still able to drive for more than a week now. Visited Sireesh and the RM needs a day/two to diagnose and fix, depending on the problem. Needs fixing (busy with a client visit) asap – before it breaks down on the road; shall complete it in next couple of weeks. I dont suspect it is to do with the driver. It is known issue with Mahindra, and perhaps the city traffic, to be blamed.

6. Took couple of long drives – one was a pilgrimage trip to Mangalore and surrounding (Udupi, Kollur, Murudeshwar, Sringeri, Dharmasthala, Kukke) – nearly 1000KM in 6 days. Another family short-holiday trip to Chikmagalur. Awesome drive ! I don’t think anyone doubts the reliability of this car on long drives, and pleasure of driving. [clap]

7. My ego fails to accept, but the fact is – the car is giving better mileage with the driver. I get above 13KM on an average, in Bangalore city, with AC on >50% of the time. A contributing factor could be - I go only with Shell now

8. I had taken 3M car care package for a year which expired recently. Great quality service! Agreed it is expensive but I think if you could afford it, and love to keep your car in mint condition, you should go for it.

Btw, I couldn’t visit the ASS personally due to busy work, hence that’s the best description I could provide; no pictures either. But you guys are ‘visionaries’ and could imagine [;)]

In the meantime, I am thinking of a second car to beat the tax blues. As you folks know, my Ambhaari was on lease which helped me save some money. For last 15 months, I feel I am losing out too much on tax. With decent increase in my salary, I think I can afford 5~7 lacs car. Shall explore TAI before I narrow down. Very likely, will go for a Maruti.

Bring it on... please comment / feedback / criticize.


Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
4. Mine went bad last year. Taken care in warranty. Guess Its common issue.
5. Get this rectified ASAP.
7. What you are getting is awesome. I get only 11.7.[confused]
Jul 12, 2015
Re: My, Yet To Be Named, XUV5OO - Buying and Ownership Experience

Audio quality is not that great. This car did not impress me much on the audio front; I think it is the speakers. By my standards, I would rate the audio 5/10. I love music and dont mind investing on good gadgets; but may not change anything on this car.
Hey Manuman, I had same experience about Sound since last 2 years. Finally

I managed to change those Default one with HERTZ and it works simply awesome. XUV500 Sounds Change
Mar 31, 2017
Hey Manuman,
Have read your entire review and I have few question on leasing thing.
How does ALD helps us to save tax and how much exactly we save?
What exactly is our benefit.
How much EMI needs to be paid to ALD?
Who cover the accidental damages?
Who pays for premium?
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