Hi Ash b....I read your post.
I wish to share the following points with you .
1. My 2 DIN OEM System works like a song . No issues at all .
2 Works perrfectly with the steering controls and there are no issues at all . I hope the guy who installed it , is not inexperienced . There is also a likelihood of some connectors not socketted properly . Also ask them to give grounding properly without fail. Every system in the 2DIN works perfectly . Map My India Maps are available with the Vizag guy , with activation code and in a SD Card for 2 k. It works very well and needs a systematic installation by an experienced hand but is quite simple too -Takes about 15 minutes or less to install those maps .
3. My Ertiga has clocked around 17000 kms and the engine is getting like butter with every long haul. In city I am getting a mileage of 16.5 and on the highway, if I do 80-90 kms , I get around 19.5 kms to a litre.
4. Idling has become very silent and the turbo kicks in around 1950 RPM like a rocket .
5. I was on the Hyderabad Bangalore highway a couple of days ago and the the way the 1.3 Multijet VGT clocked 160 kmph ( almost shocked many others on the highway.I was asked by a Innova owner at a water hole on the route , who was jus behind me , " what makes the Ertiga surge in speed so effortlessly" ( with 4 full grown adults on board ) in a vacant stretch, to come back after about 10 minutes to a more sedentaryand sfae highway speed of 100 kmph .
My answer to the Innova owner was simple . Ertiga has under the hood FIAT"s most internationally acclaimed /award winning Compact Diesel Engine 1.3 Multijet VGT -DOHC . ( Even applauded by the super german engineers ) .
Maruti has given it the master stroke of tuning and altering the gear ratios to a winning combo , which FIAT themselves and all other competitors sporting the same engine variants cant figure out !!!!. Kudos here to the brilliance of Maruti - The undisputed market leader in India .
5. Be patient , until the engine opens up . Then you will experience nirvana.
With Ertiga we get the best of both the worlds . A) It can zip with gay abandon , catching up and overhauling all the stodgy SOHC- TDI and other Engines . b ) It can also give great mileage with controlled driving -80-90 kmph , giving 18.5-19.5 kms to a litre of diesel.
6. Driving styles .
I find most of the issues , which may not be issues at all, crop up with our driving styles and the way a advanced diesel powertrain has to be handled.
People are landing up with unheard of issues ( in Ertiga here and there in the forum ) because they actually may not be getting accustomed to handling the 1.3 Multijet VGT. Lot of petrol heads floor their Diesel Ertigas , like they do to their petrol cars . This is to be avoided .
I realised that when you gradually rev her up , she responds like a song and once the engine sets in and breaks , she zips to super speeds in a jiffy . Continuously and on a regular basis , my Ertiga has been shocking the daylights out of Innovas, XUV"s and the Dusters of this world , by the hyper pick up and linear power delivery after 2000 RPM . After that , you just see the above mentioned fellow drivers on the highway , vanish in your rear view mirror to become little specks.
![Big Smile [:D] [:D]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Big%20Smile.gif)
Be patient for the engine to break in and watch the magic . Dont floor her to max until she breaks in. Also like a vigourous jog, once in a while after a sedentry spell of long drives , give her a gradual spirited rev that should make the valves and piston happy . That acts like a focussed gym work out for our super star 1.3 Multijet VGT .
Cheers and feel free to ask for any queries , Would love to share and respond as a very satisfied and proud Ertiga owner . I am happy we are part of the same Club - ERTIGA LUV
Hi All,
Have been reading this forum & related threads from some time now and it has helped me take good informed decisions. So I'd like to start with by Thanking everyone here.
Some key decisions of mine influenced by this site have been
(a) bought a pearl white Ertiga ZDi for our family, my father even though the one readily available at my native didn't come with Alloys - Exchanged the really old Padmini as we continue with our old-is-gold friend Swift
(b) Fitted many accessories mostly from MGA (Art Leather Seat covers, Floor mats, Door visor and Bumber and side guards) on my Ertiga
(c) Recently bought the Vizag based importer's 2-din DVD Navitainment unit from shopclues.com which I got fitted from a neighborhood local Auto Accessory store (not a Maruti one) - Have the ZDI stock HU with me still, which the interested folks can enquire!
So far our Ertiga ZDi has done 6650 kms. With some disciplined driving by dad and me - with dad's inputs as he's on all of our family trips the going is smooth, touch wood.
As many of us have mentioned, MSIL has a winner in their (and our) hands in the Ertiga.
FE is around 18 - 19.5 kpl highways depending on the A.C., whereas city mileage is quite okay too at 17-17.5 kpl - both calculated using Tank full method.
Few small concerns -
(i) The Engine noise has increased a bit. I noticed my idle RPM is around 1K whereas 80kph requires around 2.5K crossing 3K for 100 kph - Are these abnormal values making my engine wear more? Is there a way to reduce the RPM and achieve better FE? We mostly are 3-5 adults in numbers travelling with some luggage which fits neatly after the last row is folded.
(ii) After fitting the Vizag 2-Din OEM (DVD+Navi) Unit any of the Steering controls don't work (Mechanic said the unit goes on-off continously when he connects the socket from the Car with the corresponding one from the 2-Din system. Also the USB slot below (next to the Cig lighter) has stopped working and we've to use the cable to attach any Pen drive, below 4GB mind you.
Has someone else on this forum faced similar issues? Most other things are okay otherwise including Radio, Bluetooth music streaming and calls.
Also awaiting inputs / links on where to buy MapMyIndia Map in a MicroSD card; would appreciate any help in this regard.
On a related note, have got the 2nd free Inspection done with tyre rotation; the Service Station guys fitted a Rs 1500 costing A.C. filter but didn't charge just-VAT unlike the 1st free one..
Thanks again and Drive safe.
P.S. Please do pardon any errors/mistakes since this is my first post here..