In my opinion Mahindra tends to throw parts together to hope that it will turn into a car.
Maruti is leagues ahead and I cannot ever see it catching up the majority in this country tend to lap up inferior products allowing companies like Mahindra Tatas and fiat even to convince themselves that they are actually building good products
. Is int FE a main factor in India? If you say NO means you are lying.
Tatas think that have been making cars if I remember correctly since 1994 in my opinion they have been making very small trucks. I run a small workshop so I have driven and repaired a wide range of cars. I replaced my polo with an ertiga which I bought without even taking a td and in the 10 months that I have had it and using it for very long trips 1300 kms continuous driving I don't regret the purchase.
The purpose of forum is to debate , discuss, , add and share knowledge and information .
At times we being humans we have specific liking developed for a particular thing and we develop unknowingly a lot of bias , perceptions good / bad for that particular thing.
It is not wrong nor it is correct it is a part of our human nature .
We may have personal reasons too for believing in some perceptions .
For example you must have used a car from a particular brand which must have served you great or bad and hence your perception towards that brand / car is formed , nothing is wrong in having that perception .
Things go wrong and end up in a lot of debates and arguments and even personal attacks when we present our
" subjective preferences as objective facts
We all must understand a simple distinction here that .
Subjective information or writing is based on personal opinions, interpretations, points of view, emotions and judgment. It is often considered ill-suited for scenarios like news reporting or decision making . Objective information or analysis is fact-based, measurable and observable
at times we get carried away by posting our subjective preference or thinking or belief as a objective fact .
Being a forum when you post something as a fact it's important to remember that the onus is on us to prove it with proof , data , study or analysis .
For example if someone post this " xylo is a unsafe car " the onus is on him to prove factually how mechanically the car is. Unsafe . Or he must mention " xylo is a unsafe car " in my personal opinion . Because personal opinion can vary and it allways does .
When some one claims that " all know this car looks ugly " actually proves nothing objectively . Because to prove it objectively you must either show us a certificate were you have got rights to speak on everybody's behalf or show a data or analysis on a whole to prove your claim . And at the same time there will be 10 people who will say the car looks sexy which itself will refute your claim .
Statements like " if fuel economy dosent matter to you , you are lying " is a example of posting subjective opinion as a objective fact . Because even if someone cares a lot about fuel economy doesn't mean all care for it and vice a versa .
To avoid arguments and to have the information flow uncluttered understanding this basic will help us all in having a wonderful forum with lot of discussions and debates too .
Some examples .
Objective facts for example - specs and dimensions of the car . Safety ratings , color available , date of launch , availability .
Subjective opinions - it's too small/ big , looks sexy/ dated . Powerful/ sluggish . Declaring unsafe/ safe without substantial data .
More examples
Examples of Objective and Subjective Writing
Here are some examples of objective and subjective statements:
"47% of Americans pay no federal income tax. These people believe they are victims and would never vote for a Republican candidate." In this quote (which paraphrases Mitt Romney), the first statement is objective. It is a measurable fact that 47% of Americans do not pay federal income taxes. However, the second statement is Romney's personal point of view and is entirely subjective.
Apple only allows apps that the company has approved to be installed on iOS devices. The company does not care about openness of their platform. Once again the first statement here is objective, while the second is subjective because fans of the company could argue, as Steve Jobs did, that iOS is indeed an "open" platform.
Objective vs Subjective - Difference and Comparison | Diffen