Mahindra XUV as per its official website has got ESP coupled with ROLL OVER MITIGATION, some idiots are confusing this with traction control which has nothing to do with ESP.Traction control is a completely different , complex and high technology, and raj being an automobile engineer you should know better.
That is the reason I tried explaining it to you before but you were not willing to understand.
First of all, see the difference -
Traction control is a system that allows a vehicle to reduce power from wheels that are slipping. It allows for more grip in slippery conditions such as ice or water, but such systems are limited to lower speeds.
Example - your aria is stationary on a slippery surface like slush. the driver is inexperienced & simply gives full throttle & leaves the clutch. what happens is the rear wheels will simply keep spinning & the vehicle wont move ahead. It is not essentially a safety feature like ESP, ABS or EBD.
ESP is a system that is one step ahead of TC. It detects the movement and speed of the vehicle using gyroscopic sensors (roll, yaw & tilt sensors). If it senses that the car begins to swerve or spin out of control (understeer or oversteer), it compensates by braking on individual wheels so that the driver can control of the vehicle.
Example - You are driving flat out on the express highway. Suddenly a kid jumps in front of you. you steer left while braking hard. the car oversteers & the rear begins to step out. then you steer right & the car gets out of control. ESP senses this & brakes individual wheels & helps the driver bring the car in control.
Please note that ESP systems include traction control, since the hardware is essentially the same. On the other hand, many vehicles may have traction control but not ESP, which is more expensive to add.
That is why, it is expected that a vehicles having ESP does have TC. That is the reason many manufacturers dont mention ESP & TC separately. They dont need to.
Its like having Vada pav (TC) instead of Mc Aloo Tikki (ESP).
AWD vehicles do not need traction control since they use a more robust system to accomplish the same effect. XUV500 is one among them. The Interactive Torque Management System in the XUV automatically redistributes the torque between the front & rear wheels in muddy or slippery surfaces. However, an AWD vehicle can still benefit from ESP.
Sorry for the long post. Moral of the story -
ESP is an advanced version of TC. It is better to have ESP in your car than just TC.