@Gurrala74 & Sreedhar :
Thank you both for the info.But there were couple of reasons I stick with Honda.
1. We book ca on 17th March & had to register it before March 31st to save a recent hike in road tax in Kerala.
2. There were some offers by Honda till March 31st
3. for some personal reasons, i can't take my car to other stations/service/upgrading centers.
4.We wanted the delivery on 4th itself & reach another destination on same day.
So some times there are some practical difficulties & have to make some compromises @ convenience + time + peace of mind Vs a bit of money saving.
And to be frank, Im'n't so rich to buy the accessories added or to stick with Honda prices as Vishnu noted. If i could add it, if i say i prefer to stick with Honda its because, I got a good discount on my purchase for both accessories& car itself & got some good friend at Peninsular Honda TVM all because Peninsular Honda's GM is one of my best buddies @ School. He did everything for me personally from booking till delivery.He is one of my few best friend for last 24years.if i have any issues with the car, all i need is to send him an SMS or call. I as waiting for Honda jazz 2014, he said it will be late & there will be road tax hike soon, so better buy Honda Amaze or City.
I am a very personal man, i don't look much about the money things.Any day,any time, I will choose relationships/friendship over money & i trusted my friend & i now have a good personal relationship with the Senior marketing manger who is also our junior at school.So i believe every penny i spent was well worth in my non-business terms.I got a good rebate with with i could afford the accessories w/o braking our budget. And most importantly if we have money we can buy car, anything, but cant buy relationships.Its my personal rule/policy.
When Bro was released , it was that time i accidentally met my buddy after a long gap.That day itself i decided to buy only Honda Car if i ever buy one.
Both my brothers own Honda. a CRV & Civic. So we are now a Honda family :)
But i owe this purchase completely to my friend & my parents,especially my mother.
So you say there's not mud guards in your car ?
Vishnu - Mud Guard was there. They removed it as u can see from these pics.
As u can see from this pic ,once you install skirting, to a certain extend it does the job of mud guards.If u put mud guards along with this, it will certainly hit every hums or stones. With 4 people & moderate luggage i didn't have any issues with GC. But if u over speed a high bump, chances are there you ill hit it.
Vishnu; i also felt the rear suspension of the car is bit more hard than the test driven cars @ 2013 which i felt had much more softer suspensions. Its just my initial observation.But it could be true to rectify the complains abut body roiling & sort of any issues that could happen @ GC.
I can't guarantee about this because ay be my car' suspension is bit hard for its brand new. But i really felt the difference because i drove the test cars on the muddy/sand filled/gutter roads on the sides of the By-Pass here they practice "H" for driving school students. U should be knowing the spot, Vishnu