Update - Projector Headlights
This was something I always wanted. I had installed projectors and HIDs in my swift soon after I got the car and fell in love with it the very first day.
The reason why I decided to stay away from projectors in the ecosport was:
1) It's expensive
2) I generally change cars after 4 years (but looks like ecosport is here to stay)
Coming back to the projectors. I had few options when it came to projectors.
1) Go for the retro fit. Checked with TRS and AVS tuning. Direct import from TRS was a good option and pretty reasonable but checked with customs and came to know that it would attract duties of some 7k-8k which would bring the entire cost (projectors and HIDs) to around 26k-27k. Add another 4k for painting and installation, it would come to 30k.
Two things that changed my decision:
(a) Since ecosport headlights are sleek, I seriously had a doubt whether 3" projectors would fit properly (the ones shown in the picture is 3"). Even if the projectors made a good fit, the shroud will be another problem. It can be installed but had to be cut to make a perfect fit. I wasnt confident on this cutting and installing thingy and moreover TRS people said it wont be a perfect fit and suggested the shroud which "might" fit while AVS guys said it would be perfect fit. This added a lot of confusion.
(b) This is the main reason for declining this - My wife didnt like this. Period.
2) Decided to check some after market options. Aliexpress had lot of options but were expensive. These are some of the options that I had.
Wifey loved the tear drop projectors and asked me to go ahead. But I wasnt too keen on double barrel headlights and also the options in alipexress wasnt too wallet friendly (40K for the projectors alone). I knew even if I get to buy from them, it would attract duties. Decided to check out other options.
Then remembered about a close source that I had and decided to contact him. Said he would help me source the headlights. The lights were confirmed and the total cost for the headlights were 28k.
The next confusion I had - HIDs. I had used Auto Gauge HIDs in my Swift for more than 3 years without any issues but I finalized on either Philips or Osram. Did some check and decided to go with Osram Xenarc 35w, 4300k HIDs. Price - 10k
Headlight package:
Ford has a single multi pin connection that's connected to the headlight. No separate wiring for headlights, indicators etc. Luckily, the aftermarket unit had the same configuration. But the only only problem is I lost the beam level adjuster feature since that's another coupling unit which is not present in the aftermarket unit. I need to check options to install this without playing around with the stock wiring unit.
Fitment Process:
It was a straight forward process but the locking mechanism at the bottom of the unit was a bit tricky. Once that's sorted out, it's a straight fit. Installing the ballast was also a straight forward process. Here's the location of the ballast.
The beam is a bit high but doesnt blind oncoming traffic. Here are some pictures:
Low beam without fog:
High beam without fog:
You may notice nil difference between the low and high beam. I decided to stick with the halogens bulbs that came with the aftermarket unit. Will upgrade it in the coming months.
Initial Impressions (from personal experience):
1) Much better than stock bulbs
2) Much better than Osram Nightbreakers
3) Went for a night ride yesterday (city) and did not use the fogs (I always use them as the stock bulbs were bad). Satisfactory performance.
4) High+low combo is brutal as all four lights are switched on.
5) This is a LHD configuration so the cutoff is a bit weird. (sorry, couldnt click the cutoff picture)
6) DRL's are sweet and definitively catches attention. And as the DRL's are lit when the car is unlocked, it does attract people's attention.
Final Summary:
Will update my findings when I take it for a long drive.
Projectors Headlights - 28k
Osram Xenarc 35w, 12V, 4300k (H7) HID's - 10k
Installation - Free
High Beam - H1