Thanks a lot for your guidance about removing the back fender cover and gaining access of the back fog lamp assembly. Here is picture of my side - > The fog lamp assembly made by Umax and the lamp is Halonix H8 35W single filament halogen.
In the assembly I came across a turning ring and can be turn any direction left / right easily by fingers - What is it ?
Here is the connector and it is very easily accessible,
By this time I'm so happy about my success - I almost going to order a set of LED for trial run but then thought, lets try to remove the right hand side one too - then proceed to buying part.
And thank god I tried
![Surprise [surprise] [surprise]](
and my joy short lived
After opening the right hand side I greeted with this,below is the actual view
If I mange and able to reach my finger behind the Fog Assembly there is no way I can pull out the connector plug without damaging it, say if I able to do that, there is no space to remove 1.5 inch long H8 halogen bulb without removing wiper water tank.
hmmm - feel Sad.
![Frustration [frustration] [frustration]](