As suggested by others, give it a thought to sell out your car and buy a new one !! OR settle down with the present car whatever it offers to you, as you have bought it into a good economy zone all ready.
That's never an option RK. Remember, even you disagreed on it in one of our earlier discussions
The point is, when we know there is a problem in a product we bought, we should get that fixed from the company. Be it a car or whatever. Why should we leave our hard earned money to someone? Moreover, this kind of attitude (tolerating bad goods or service) and adjusting to the manufacturer should be abandoned. That's what encourages them more to gives us even more worsened service. Just not about my case, or one such incident, but in general, as a customer we should stand against such practices. Just my thought, not to offend anyone.
BTW, last few weeks, I have been a little heavy footed and thinking, maybe that could be a reason too. Should observe for a couple of more tank ups and/or a highway drive to decide further. My warranty will expire by this month, so there are high chances that they may fix the issue (if any) if I report it next month
Figoian, there is possibly one thing you can do. Buy a bluetooth OBDII port scanner (direct from - Rs.1000-1200) and use torque on your smartphone to check the instant mileage.
Would give you an idea where actually your vehicle is consuming more fuel. Another advantage is that you can use it in your other cars as well.
Thanks Chayan. I am thinking of one too, will try it.