I thought to buy the same dashcam (GT300) from that seller since its so cheap but our customs dept. is very catchy and not prompt. Reasons are: Big box, electronic contents that includes battery and the same item costs 6 times in ebay India (Yes our customs officers are good at searching cost of product online). Its easily detected in X-Ray Baggage Scanner and if we are not lucky, parcel gets held or the officer takes it home!
Seller's own shipping method means no tracking and usually CNZ express is used. If yes, it may either get lost or come to you but you cannot be sure. If it does not reach us in 90 days then its really lost.
Actually its good to use non-registered service that has no tracking so when the parcel is lost, there is higher chances of getting refund when we file claim. If a traceable parcel is lost, it is most likely held in customs and Aliexpress/ebay doesn't take responsibility.
As of GT300 Dashcam, I have researched and found to be good cam for what it costs. Just that builtin battery doesn't last long so continued power is required. I hope you both will get the item soon and kindly post reviews once you do.
Best Regards