Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences
The Nokia Lumia 1020: The smartphone to render point-and-shoots obsolete
The Good
That camera
With the grip, it even feels like a camera
I continue to enjoy Windows Phone
The Bad
That bulge
With the grip, it's pretty huge
Windows Phone today is barely changed from Windows Phone as it was 9 months ago
The ugly
That price
The Nokia Lumia 1020: The smartphone to render point-and-shoots obsolete | Ars Technica
4 way flagship phone camera shootout: Nokia 808, Lumia 1020 and 925, Galaxy S4 Zoom
As ever, it's fun (though obviously horribly unscientific, given the personal nature of the choice of subjects) to add up the scores. So, remembering that this is all for pure image quality and not taking into account aspects like ease of interface, flexibility in capturing, let alone preference on OS or ecosystem, we get:
Nokia 808 PureView: 72
Nokia Lumia 1020: 72
Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom: 66
Nokia Lumia 925: 33
Cue cries of 'it's a fix!', of course. But feel free to score the shots yourself and come up with a different conclusion. The bottom line is that, though Nokia may have 'completely re-engineered' the camera for the Lumia 1020, the underlying principles and expertise are at play (large sensor and optics, oversampling, PureView zoom, Xenon flash, etc.) and it's not at all surprising that there's very little to choose between them at the end of the day. For someone making a real world choice*, it comes down to your attitude to image processing and how badly you want OIS.
* of course, with the 808 almost impossible to buy these days and with Symbian effectively stalled in the market, the real world choice is more between the Lumia 1020 and the rest of the competition.
Somewhat surprising was that both of Nokia's PureView devices managed to best the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom, with its integrated optical zoom and other standalone camera specs. Not by a huge margin, but I'd definitely argue that the two top Nokias had 'better' cameras overall.
Very surprising was the margin by which the Lumia 925, standing in for the iPhone/GS4/Xperia Z generation of devices, got destroyed. As soon as you move beyond 1:1 casual photographs of people, food and flowers in good light, the small sensored, small-lensed, zoomless, LED-flash camera phones get left in the dust in terms of results and I point to the crops above as proof.
Again, to critics, I'd argue that not only has Nokia's 808 PureView got a better camera than you thought it had, the Lumia 1020 is as good. Yes, I suspect that some of its algorithms will receive a small tweak or two in the next firmware update, but some of the shots above really surprised me. Moving from the 808 to the 1020 (as some readers may be thinking of doing) is definitely not a downgrade. Think of it as a sideways step.