I got my copy of FS X yesterday and spent the whole evening playing it. I got it at an offer price of Rs. 600/- from Flipkart.
The game is amazing. I just wish the graphics were better but no complaints.
Yes, I even got a joystick for it -
Why Logitech Attack 3? Because it was the cheapest Joystick available with some good reviews. I got it a wee bit cheaper from the local store than Flipkart.
I did try the Xbox controller but was not comfortable with it.
The only flaws I noticed with the joystick is -
1) FSX's guide says that the top button of the joystick is to look around in the game. Not working in my case.
2) After a turn, when I leave the joystick, I was expecting the aircraft to self level itself. That does not happen. I have to turn the joystick to the opposite side to level the aircraft.
All in all, though I have not yet mastered the flying skills, I am enjoying the game.