viky, do share some inputs of the strome you TD and your experience with it.Every driver has his own prospective to look and share, so do share with us.
I have TD Both Aria and Storme. Here is my comparative reivew. I am kind of technically challenged on cars and specs to pls pardon any outrageous comment.
This review is from a laymans point of view. I have no much expertise on cars engine performance or engineering aspects.I have driven the way I wouldhave done on a daily basis.
Showroom: Tejaswi motors, Madhapur, Hyderabad.
Car details
Storme EX
Urban bronze
KM driven : 34 KMs (Spanking new)
Aria Pure
White color
KM Driven 3916
First impression:
UB Beast was simply awesome. Felt like Race horse. Aria was majestic. Looked like Horse ready to take King out on a ride (not inteaded to use phrase take "someone on a ride")
Dials: I am some how also concerned how the dials look. Though Aria dial had lot more gadgetry the white color on the dial was a turn off. Did not excude class. Storme's one were much better.
I also had a look at Manza Club Class. I should say the dials for Manza were simply Awesome. TML Should incorporate Manza Club class dials in both Aria and storme.
Seating space: Should I say more on seating. No problem what so ever.
Only one small issue (Steering for Storme touched my thighs. I could have pumped the seat lower and steering a bit up. But was not much of an issue.
I could also sit some what comfortably in jumpseats but that would mean that there would be no space for any luggage. I had utilised the entire luggage space. I can say I can travel for around 40-50 KM without stop in those seats. I am 6'1" and weigh 125 Kgs.
Both the cars have very refined interiors. TML have done a very good job of upgrading themselves in this aspect.
Although OT I was amazed to see the interiors of Manza Club Class. It look pretty slik, and I can say it is at par with the top end cars like Vento/ City if not better. (IMO)
TML are really tightening up.
Journey details :
RPM: 1-2K
Speed: Max 60 KMPH
Gears used: All
Did not feel Knocking of engines in either Aria or Storme.
Car(s) did not shudder, Engine(s) did not stall.
As for Aria I used the normal road around the Hitech City Station, Hyderabad. It was super smooth and lovely ride.
For Storme however, they had identified a terrapod kind of a road. Agreed its not difficult to find that kind of a road in India but this really gave a good experience of Off-Roading.
It was muddy path with lot many ditches, then there were couple of high rises on the road. (height increase by 3- 5 feet in matter of 0.5 meters of driving distance. Even Bikers would find it tough climbing these inclines. Or would have to do it with lot of caution. For Storme it was simply piece of cake. Although I did that on the first gear.
Over all experience. Lovely drive that was. Storme is truly a beast refined.
Did U turns on the roads (two lane roads). And Storme turning radius was impressive. Felt is lower than my Wagon R. Aria's was a bit more but still I can say it was prety much like my wagon R.
A-Pillar Issue:
for Either of the cars, did not find any issue related to the A-Pillar on the curves.
Impressive, gave good burst and from 0-60 happened in a fraction. I did not go beyond 60 as i wanted to see how the cars would behave in a typical city traffice with bikes and rickshaws whizzing around left and rigth. I guess should NOT have problem driving in traffic conditions.
For Storme since it was very new the clutch seems to be bit stiff, but gear changing was very smooth.
For Aria, it was smooth. (may be because it was dirven extensively.)
Cabin noise isolation:
I could hear the engine just like one can hear in swift diesel car. Since my major journey was between 20-50 kmph, around 1.5 K RPM upwards, the engines became very smooth and could say noiseless. On Highway i am sure it would be pretty smooth and may not even hear the engine.
I am in love with both the cars, and have just complicated my life and making a choice for these cars.
Now I wish some body helps with 25L so that i can buy both these cars ;)