TVS Jupiter Titanium Grey BS-IV


Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
All these so call modern functions like AHO, i3S, micro hybrid etc are just there to spoil your vehicle early and increase income.of dealers.

My old Activa Battery which was amaron lasted exactly 5 replaced with SF sonic and has been couple of years already.
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Thread Starter #62
Aug 28, 2017
10000 KM Done & Vibration issue:

Hello Everyone, updating thread after a long time. Jupiter has completed 10K Kilometers last month.

I have replaced the old battery under warranty, they gave me the same AMCO battery. It took them 14 days to source the replacement battery from Hyderabad that too after writing mail to TVS. I had a phone conversation regarding the delay of replacing battery, I called the toll free number but could not connect the call so they made a call back the next day and without even listening to me they just asked me to visit the Authorized Service Center and talk to them.

Meanwhile I was busy and could not go and replace the battery and Visited showroom on 8th August, The person said they received the battery on 29th but could not inform me as they did not have my contact number. Anyways I asked them to fit the new battery. The person who was fitting the battery forgot to put belt and discharge pipe to new battery. That guy was not even mechanic, he is there to wash bikes. I asked SA why is a washing boy fitting battery to which he said its not a big thing to do mechanics are busy with other bikes so that washing guy was doing that job. Had he made some mistake while fitting the battery the wiring could be damaged.

I also reminded him of the Vibration/ Jerking issue. I asked him to take a test drive and went along with him. He told that its not even an issue, its normal for Scooters to have jerks like this and it will not have any effect. I said I have driven other Jupiter and did not find issue then he said that once I reach 10000 km the issue will be resolved. How on earth will it be resolved itself? TVS what are you doing? Why hire Idiots who dont know about the Vehicles.

After test drive he admitted that there is jerking issue and I asked them to fix it. He asked me to come after EID ( which was on Aug 12) and they will fix it. They even admitted that other Jupiter owners have also reported the issue but they are just sending them saying that its a common issue for scooter to behave like that.

I was busy with other commitments and could not visit Showroom, but today afternoon I went there at 1:30 pm and they were on lunch break. I waited for the SA to arrive and asked them to fix it. He said " When you come for next service we will fix it" as he was lazy to make a job card that time that too when they did not have vehicles to work on. The mechanics were roaming here and there without work. I was adamant and asked him to fix it right then. We again went for the test drive and he just did not want to acknowledge that there was issue with the vehicle. He said this is a belt driven vehicle and it behaves this way. Then I asked him why it happens only at certain speed and why other models dont have the issue to which he replied all the vehicles are like that.

This pissed me off and I said KEEP YOUR WORDS, I am going to write email to TVS regarding this and see what happens, he kept quiet after that.He was unaware that I was Mechanical Engineer and knew about vehicles. After we went to showroom the senior mechanic said that he knows about the issue and he will do the job. I asked him to fix it and he did a good job. They opened the Engine cover on the left and it was full of dirt. Then he cleaned the dirt from air blast and wiped with clean Cloth.

I noticed scratches there, and asked how did it happen? He didnt know either. I did not get satisfactory answer from him. He said those scratches might have occurred during manufacturing but as far as I know it will have a quality check before being assembled. Can anyone tell me how the scratches were formed?

The mechanic cleaned the Clutch and belt and applied grease on metal parts he also applied chain lube before fitting the panel. I took the test drive and the vibration/jerking was reduced significantly but it is still there. I think I have to live with it as nobody is able to find out the actual issue.

I am happy that the annoying vibrations have reduced to some extent but would have been satisfied if they had rectified the problem and fix it permanently. But these service center guys dont even accept that there is issue in the first place. I dont know how many people they are fooling with same theory. If this continues then people will stop buying TVS vehicles, please dont hire these idiots who dont have knowledge about the vehicles. Manufacturing vehicles and selling them is a different thing but providing quality support after selling is another thing. Unless TVS take action in this matter, they will lose customers. I request TVS to hire people who have knowledge about vehicles and are trained, not those who dont understand the issue and ask customers to live with it forever.
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Nov 19, 2014
Trivandrum , Sydney
The problem is with your service centre , they are taking you for granted.
From pics , they have not touched the clutch assy since the day of manufacture , and it is running in stock condition. In my activa , during all services , (2k-3k km / 6 months ) - I ask them to do clutch greasing . The scratch mark , I suspect is due to this , lack of grease and frictional wear .
Thread Starter #64
Aug 28, 2017
Yes it was opened for the first time now after almost an year it was full of dirt. I will make sure to get it cleaned from next service.

It's not just me but they are doing this with other customers too. Many people who don't have technical knowledge about their vehicles will believe their stories and live with it. I don't have any other TVS service centre in my town so I don't have option to go for another service centre.
Thread Starter #65
Aug 28, 2017
Some Stats about Jupiter:

It's been 11 months since I bought it and the overall mileage is 46.5 kmpl which is satisfactory considering that I seldom take it out on Highway. The odor stands at 10500 km now . The maximum distance it has traveled is 100km up and down, otherwise it is used for daily commute in city.

The fuel consumed for 10500 km is around 226 litres ( fuel price taken as 80 per litre on average, currently price is 77 here). The total fuel bill comes around 18000 rupees for 11 months..

It's roughly 1642 rupees per month for 954 km on odo.

So far no major issues faced except vibration/jerking. No vehicle is perfect , each one has its pros and cons. This is a very good product from TVS but I wish they improved their service.
Thread Starter #66
Aug 28, 2017
Good morning everyone,

I need a suggestion from experts regarding issue with Jupiter.

Be it a scooter or bike there will be minor vibration when engine is started. These will be more harsh when you rev the engine at higher speeds. You can feel vibration in your handle or near feet at higher speeds.

But in my case it's opposite. When I ride at speeds in excess of 40 kmph it goes very smooth, no vibration and noise from engine. Also at lower speeds ( Below 30) there isn't any . Between the speed of 30-40 which we mostly maintain in traffic, the vibration comes when I accelerate.

As per the service advisor it is common for scooters to behave like this. But that vibration should happen at all speeds if it is common, why only around 30-40kmph?

Last time they opened clutch assembly and cleaned the dirt and fitted it back, the mechanic said it won't happen again but the issue remains now. I want a complete solution for it.

How to approach service centre?
What parts need replacement?
Or should I go with outside FNG?


Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
When I ride at speeds in excess of 40 kmph it goes very smooth, no vibration and noise from engine. Also at lower speeds ( Below 30) there isn't any . Between the speed of 30-40 which we mostly maintain in traffic, the vibration comes when I accelerate.
These speed dependent resonances usually happen due to imbalanced drive train. And they happen either due to Manufacturing defect or some Impact. In regular wear & tear there is usually no chance these will happen.

In cars if happens due to Drive shafts, Flywheel or Rims being out. I would like to invite other 2w experts who can point out such parts for 2w.
I want a complete solution for it.
If your veh is in Warranty, Raise hell. Yell at them.
Send complaints to Manufacturer and ask for entire Engine+GB replacement. Solutions will be impractical out of warranty
As per the service advisor it is common for scooters to behave like this
Their usual answer.

Apart for all this,
Can do re-create vibration with vehicle standing (Jack rear wheel up)?
Can you re-create once rear wheel is completely removed from the hub? (Isolate rim issues)
Is this load dependent (Pillion, Inclines?)
Nov 19, 2014
Trivandrum , Sydney
I agree to BHVM sir , I am also not an expert in 2 Wheelers , still with my little experiences , what I say is - Check for pulley tensions (Inside clutch Assy.) - @bhvm sir , Sir , the mechanism is same as any CVT's , so can you explain him what I meant ? There are certain set of pulleys (multiple in case of cars ) , which maintain the tension as per the speed , imbalance in this can cause vibration , even a defective pulley may too cause vibrations
Thread Starter #69
Aug 28, 2017
These speed dependent resonances usually happen due to imbalanced drive train. And they happen either due to Manufacturing defect or some Impact. In regular wear & tear there is usually no chance these will happen.

In cars if happens due to Drive shafts, Flywheel or Rims being out. I would like to invite other 2w experts who can point out such parts for 2w.

If your veh is in Warranty, Raise hell. Yell at them.
Send complaints to Manufacturer and ask for entire Engine+GB replacement. Solutions will be impractical out of warranty

Their usual answer.

Apart for all this,
Can do re-create vibration with vehicle standing (Jack rear wheel up)?
Can you re-create once rear wheel is completely removed from the hub? (Isolate rim issues)
Is this load dependent (Pillion, Inclines?)
Even when am riding solo I can feel those vibrations. With pillion it is more. When on incline I need to rev it to get going and engine sounds harsh.

I noticed that it goes smoothly upto 60kmph but after that it feels like there's no power to take it to 70kmph. I haven't tried checking top speed with pillion.
Scooters can go upto 80kmph but in my case going till 70 seems difficult.

Yes the vehicle is in warranty as it's not even one year since I bought it.

I will write email to TVS regarding this.
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Thread Starter #71
Aug 28, 2017
Good afternoon, today I visited TVS service centre after they called me to take feedback about last visit. I said the issue hasn't been solved so the lady asked me to visit SC once.

I went there at 11 and SA took the vehicle in and same mechanic was assigned who worked on it last time. He drained transmission oil and filled with elf Moto 20w40 grade oil.

After that he said the issue is solved so I took him with me to test ride and same vibration happened while accelerating. He too felt that and after we returned he asked me to leave Jupiter with him for one day, he will check by changing transmission belt and clutch assembly. He asked to come on Monday.

He said he will he will take parts from another vehicle but I asked him to replace a new part of required.

I also spoke to floor manager regarding this, and told him to fix the issue and replace parts under warranty. He gave a look as if I asked him something personal.

I have also written email to TVS but didn't get any reply till now. Will wait until Monday for now.
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Thread Starter #72
Aug 28, 2017
As I had raised complaint through email yesterday, got a call now from showroom.

The guy asked me to bring Jupiter tomorrow morning and he assured me to fix the issue. I will take it tomorrow morning and see what they do.
Thread Starter #73
Aug 28, 2017
Good Morning TAI,

Gave vehicle to TVS service centre today, he said he will check belt and clutch assembly and will call me once it's done.

Hope they fix this issue this time.
Thread Starter #74
Aug 28, 2017
Need advice urgently!

Service centre guy is saying that below part needs to be replaced as it has worn and I have to bear the part charges which comes around 600-700 excluding taxes and labour charges.

Should I pay for it or not?

I asked him to claim under warranty but he said this part doesn't come under warranty.
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