Things You Can Do Only On Indian Roads!

Jul 11, 2012
5. Address will be reconfirmed only after the wrong indicator has been given.

10. Searching for something on the dashboard after someone overtakes you after a tussle is a indication,you hardly cared about the race,just because you were busy searching something the guy overtook.

12. Showing a hand is enough to slow a roaring BMW while oldies are crossing the road.

14. A shameless tongue in cheek smile and a quick look at the mobile is the only reaction after a girl(mostly) just misses being hit by a car.

16. Flashing lights at toll plaza or showing the remaining three right hand fingers(except thumb and forefinger) will help you cross the border as well.

Please explain. [roll]
Aug 2, 2012
5. Address will be reconfirmed only after the wrong indicator has been given.
Many a times people will put on the wrong turn indicator,then check with someone in the car for the address and once they realize they are taking the wrong turn without even putting off the indicator they will suddenly turn to the opposite side.

10. Searching for something on the dashboard after someone overtakes you after a tussle is a indication,you hardly cared about the race,just because you were busy searching something the guy overtook.
Many a times,when it is inevitable that the person with whom we are racing is going to overtake us,people try to do something like looking here n there,watching the cell phone,gazing at the music system,just to prove that since they were not concentrating on the driving the other person was able to overtake him.Me,my friends have many times seen it and done it.. [;)]

12. Showing a hand is enough to slow a roaring BMW while oldies are crossing the road.
Many people who are crossing the road know that the vehicle is in full speed and coming towards them,even then they will casually show one hand to the vehicle indicating them to slow down and then cross the road.

14. A shameless tongue in cheek smile and a quick look at the mobile is the only reaction after a girl(mostly) just misses being hit by a car.
You will get this when a girl just missed being hit by your car.

16. Flashing lights at toll plaza or showing the remaining three right hand fingers(except thumb and forefinger) will help you cross the border as well.
Showing only the hand or fingers at the toll plaza is enough to tell the toll guys to open the barricade.
Dec 8, 2010
:lol!:I just could not control my laugh throughout these nine pages and its content !!

Yes it is true that all of them happen in India as very common things every day, we should really think of these things and try to bring in a change in our own capacity as stop doing all these if some body does and try and educate others !!

I came of with some to add to your list

1. A very common thing I noticed in Hyderabad. Whenever you are just crossing bus stop where a city bus is standing, be very careful as that starts so suddenly and come off to complete right side without any signal and you will be crashed in between. This is a common scene every day here !!

2. Driving a bike till its death with T/R yellow sticker, I have seen people driving their bikes where ODO reads as 50000km without permanent registrations, I have seen the bike looks 10 year old within 6 months with yellow T/R sticker, I have also seen people driving for 50000km with yellow sticker and selling to other without getting permanent registrations. I really wonder that how do they manage to drive like this[surprise]
Nov 4, 2011
how about conducting tug of war competition on a busy bye-pass road with heavy traffic.[lol]one half of the road was blocked for the competition
In many places here its a common practice. I would say in such occations driving becomes horrible because we will have to look for those people who would jump into the middle of the road without any thoughts while we would be busily encountering the traffic.
Jul 20, 2012
Music on with FULL volume and With Sub Woofer on . I cant understand how the driver can drive with the thundering music on. It is most irritating.
Aug 9, 2012
in a 4-lane Toll road, while you are cruising at a good speed, you can expect a truck or two wheeler in the wrong side.

You complain at a toll gate, the response will be a smile/laughter.

Well this can happen only in India.
Jan 12, 2013
Funny Drivers, Road Rage etc etc.

Share your experiences on this thread if you have come across any funny/dangerous/weird driving styles in cities/villages which is quite common in India.[;)] I hope admin does not delete this thread.[:)]

A lot of unusual/unsafe driving styles do end up in road rage and even worse in some cases accidents so hopefully this thread should give a good list of Do's & Don'ts on Indian roads!

Personally I have had many such experiences but just listing a few!

1. People driving on wrong side to avoid driving 100 metres for a U-turn!

2. Cars driving extremely slow especially in the rightmost or fast lane, most of the times these are first time car owners trying to treat their cars well most of the times these are petrol cars with city-only type driving experience

3. Opposite of the above meaning people who seem to be in a hurry & never want to give right of way to anyone even if they know the road is jammed for the next 2 kms etc etc

4. Either not pausing/stopping at all at crossroads/intersections or waiting too long such that the car behind starts honking!

list can go on but these are some which just came to my mind!
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