I am writing this after cheating death.But in all fairness we all cheat death everytime we get on the road.
Its said 1.5 lakh people die on Indian roads every year ![Cry [cry] [cry]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Cry.gif)
& i along with my mother would have joined that stat last week. The incident happened on a quite highway with a approx 24 feet wide road at 9AM
Thanks to a moron from the opposite who decided to overtake into my lane over a blind crest.
He was like in the center with out worry not even close to the car he was overtaking, to even allow a slight chance of me brushing past atleast.To avoid the deadly head on collision I had to drive off the road at a good 80-90 kms/hr and it was all in less than a sec.
Then the drama starts! My car now slides sideways starts going into the opposite lane, i instantly correct steering ,its now sliding in my lane sideways and then the tail corrects wildly and faces off the road(fishtailing)and i again steer to correct it straight with little swinging of the back/tail again. While the thoughts in my head was avoid colliding with opposite traffic & wow am in a situation just like those youtube videos.
After which i looked in the mirror and noticed the entire road was a dust cloud and luckily there was no opposite vehicles close after the overtaking moron in case i had swerved to the opposite lane after. There was a white EcoSport coming a few secs later and i will never forget the persons expression.His jaws were really dropped(like the expression) and showed horror. Made me realize how lucky i was to avoid colliding & even to control the car.
Then on the same stretch of road a day or two later a person lost his life by avoiding a overtaking vehicle & collided into a tree.
So on Indian roads someone can be as careless as they want & reach home alive while someone else sensible dies! ![Anger [anger] [anger]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Anger.gif)