Was driving from Pune to Mumbai via Expressway last week, saw some horrible unsafe driving and highway manners, I do not take pictures while driving hence I dont have the pictures.
Incident 1:- Just after entering the Expressway, while I accelerated to 100kph(which is the legal max speed), a Honda City in front of me, just opens the sunroof and suddenly a head pops out, it is probably a 7 - 8 year old kid, standing between the front seats, the driver holding the kid with his left hand and driving with one hand(compromised concentration!). The kids chest shoulder and head are out of the car thru the sunroof. All this at probably 100kmph and not less. I was shocked to see that, anything can happen, debris or a small stone from the road can pierce the eyes!
Incident 2:- similarly just after descending from the ghats, saw an adult girl standing through the sunroof from a creta, this was so stupid.
Incident 3:- Truck parked on the curbside inside the tunnel that too in the ghat stretch, without hazard blinkers and hazard board. We all know how dangerous accidents have happened inside tunnels on the Expressway yet such a negligience.
It is a nightmare now a days on Mumbai Pune expressway, with literally no regards for safety, lane discipline, and driving sense.