October's not my month. another incident happened on the same stretch that i reported a year back.
i am attaching a big video to show you guys how fast car goes on this road. you can easily touch 120 kmph at nights. ( not telling you to :P )
so the auto rickshaw and then the tiago blocked my view and i literally didn't see the hawker , as soon as i saw i slammed the brakes since he was too close.
a biker behind me ( obviously not maintaining safe distance) slammed into my car. what happens next ?
biker : is this your dad's road and you will apply brakes whenever you want ?
me : (looking really surprised since how the hell it's my mistake you slammed from behind) there was a hawker in front of me and i cannot run over him.( i said very politely since he seemed really angry. )
biker : park your car and i will tell you. getting more furious , he opened the passenger door ( why the hell i didn't lock the doors)
what if a truck ran over me ? he said.
situation worsened.
i opened the window a little and folded my hands and told him i don't want to fight here on the road. it was not my mistake and there was nothing i could do.
his arm got twisted so he was angry and after some seconds he became normal as soon as i folded my hands or maybe he felt relief from his pain or maybe he just overreacted.
you can see how many cars including a mercedes(no money doesn't give you driving sense) drove on the wrong side. have reported this on the traffic police whatsapp complaint number.