But I don't have enough heart to go for One Plus 5 as I don't want to go to Android after getting used to iPhone and my dad has One Plus 3(not 3T),buying another One Plus doesn't make sense for me and my cousin,who uses OP3T(he already had One Plus One,One Plus 2 and his wife has One Plus 3) says,the contacts get synced automatically and he himself said he would sell his OP3T and go for iPhone SE(iPhone 4S was his last) and he is hating Android completely now.
But,I already used the same spec'ed One Plus 5,which is bought by my friend after launch and totally in love with its dual camera(though not in the leagues of iPhone 7 Plus),speed.But,I think I would go for another iPhone only,preferably iPhone SE or wait for 7S,as I don't want an Android again(my last Android was Nexus 5,which is used by mom now).The only thing which I like in Android is showing unknown name through Truecaller other than that I hate using Android and I don't want to end up getting bashed up by iPhone users and don't want to create a fight by comparing an iPhone with an Android phone.