Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Long Term Ownership Review

Sep 13, 2016
New Delhi
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Is there a new price for XZ without alloys ? Another member posted a pic stating a difference of 19k but the pic isn't clear. Delivery time ?
yes with alloy OTR is around 5.26 lakhs and without alloy price is 5.08 lakh OTR.
And without alloy is more easily avialable.

Thread Starter #107
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Got a chance to drive on a proper highway during our trip to Malampuzha Dam last weekend. With 4 on-board and aircon running, tacho was around the 4000's at 120 kph and the engine got louder. Ride quality was superb and steering weighed up pretty good. As many owners reported (in whatsapp group), there's a rubber kinda smell that peeps into cabin for few minutes after the high speed run. Here's a short clip from my dashcam.



Honoured Member
Oct 15, 2011
Some Village
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Have you investigated whats that rubber smell? I hope its not something serious burning.
Thread Starter #109
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Have you investigated whats that rubber smell? I hope its not something serious burning.
Didn't bother much as it went away in few seconds and the fact that many owners faced this. Thought it's part of initial runs of higher RPM's. May be I am wrong, will glance under the hood myself and also try to repeat this scenario before I call A.S.S. Thanks!
Thread Starter #110
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Wanted to share an interesting Tiago survey I responded to JD Power Asia today. This is their second survey thrown at me which is targeted at 2 to 6 month owners of Tiago. It was an in-person survey vs previous one that was within 1 month of purchase and answered over the phone. The survey person came to my home and took answers in a printed form which I signed at the end. I felt some of their questions were direct outcome of reviews and owners' complaints and a few to analyze customer requirements for future cars.

- Would you be interested in a battery operated car in future? [clap]
- Would you be interested in automatic transmission?
- Would you like rear seat entertainment systems for passengers?
- How long do you plan to use this car?
- Do you feel lack of power when AC is switched ON?
- Is AC blower noise on the higher side?
- Does gears slot in smoothly?
- Do you hear clicking sounds from transmission?
- Braking ability of the car (normal & emergency)?
- Are buttons/stalks easy to access and use?
- Is the horn easy to use?
- Do you like the seats and interior design?
- Visibility from inside the car?
- Are you satisfied with the acceleration and power delivery?
- How many people normally ride in your car?
- How many drivers use this car?
- ODO reading and average mileage returned so far.
- Areas of improvement?
- Personal info like age, annual income, years of driving experience etc.
- Few other regular questions that I do not recall [evil].
Thread Starter #112
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Somewhere on our forum, I read a term called 'Hypermiling' which triggered my curiousness and hence this post. I dug the internet and learned it can result in increased fuel efficiency (who doesn't like that [:D]). This post will specifically talk about one of the hypermiling techniques called 'Coasting'. Coasting refers to letting the car run (typically on flat/downhill roads) with the momentum gained during acceleration by taking off your foot from accelerator pedal. Modern cars are said to completely shut off fuel injectors when coasting in gear.

How to Hypermile (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Drive as if you don't have brakes — coast as much as possible. When you're driving plan a path that doesn't require braking followed by a sudden start. Careful coasting can reduce your gas usage so much that acceleration won't even cause a hiccup in your cruising mpg.
- On newer cars if the car is in gear and your foot is off the accelerator, the injectors shut off completely, creating essentially "free" mileage — your car's going but you're not using gas beyond a small amount for engine braking, or the engine's resistance to your costing.
- Don't coast by disengaging the clutch and/or putting the car in neutral. This will cause the engine to go into idle which uses up gas more gas than simply leaving the car in gear and letting it coast along with minimal engine input.
Coasting in Neutral or Gear to Save Gas - Coasting and Fuel Economy
Almost all vehicles show a pulse width of zero when coasting while in gear. Zero, as in there is no fuel injected at all. Yes, the engine is turning over, the pistons are going up and down, the water pump, alternator and a/c compressor are working, so technically you can say the engine is running, sort of. But it's not consuming any fuel. And that goes for automatic or manuals.
So I wanted to know how Tiago behaves in this scenario and took up this quick test. To begin with, I hooked up an ELM327 OBD scanner in my car's port (I hate to rip open the dashboard cover to access the port [frustration])

Installed the well-known Torque Pro android app on my phone. Paired it with the OBD scanner via bluetooth and configured Torque to write a handful of data points to a log file every second (CSV format).
Screenshot_20160928-203833.png Screenshot_20160928-203850.png

Luckily I happened to drive an hour long journey last Saturday and kick-started my data logging in that trip. Managed to coast in 5th gear for about 10+ seconds to capture the scenario. Sadly, Tiago doesn't seem to cut off fuel injectors completely when coasting, it rather lets in around 1.X liters of fuel per hour which is close to idle RPM fuel flow. Here is a snapshot of my data with fuel rate dropping as I start coasting (see highlighted records).
Tiago Torque Log Coasting.JPG

Also attaching my log file with an hour's worth of data in case anyone is interested in further analysis.
View attachment trackLog-2016-Sep-24_11-49-35.xls

Thread Starter #119
Apr 25, 2016
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

Probably because TATA's gives better mileage anyway?
I have to agree with you here. Just this morning, I happened to drive a 100 KM trip and clocked this average on my MID. It is still a decent number even if MID calculations are off by 2-3 KM. [:D]
Coimbatore -> Annur -> Mettupalayam -> Annur -> Coimbatore.

Last edited:
Jun 4, 2014
Re: Tata Tiago Petrol XZ - A Layman's Review

I have to agree with you here. Just this morning, I happened to drive a 100 KM trip and clocked this average on my MID. It is still a decent number even if MID calculations are off by 2-3 KM. [:D]
Coimbatore -> Annur -> Mettupalayam -> Annur -> Coimbatore.

View attachment 210096
Now that's impressive! I don't think MID variation will be off more than 1-2 km/l! What was the maximum speed you touch and what was the average cruising speed?
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