No one probably can,objectively.If any one is interested shall open a dedicated thread for that.I shall contribute from my side.
Could very well be that it has much more positives than short comings to convince people.
Sorry I can't agree and conclude at present as i haven't driven one yet. But going by various and most recent reviews on forums especially from people who drove storme in bangalore in the last couple of days,one may need to wait for a few more years to see a contemporary and a more convincing product from tata. Mind you storme is a 2013 launch and scorpio saw its final upgrade in 2009.So one expects much more than just an overall more refined product,if it has to convince a buyer.
If you don't even know whether the second row in scorpio could be slide back with the third raw in place, how did you imagine, assume and gave a comment as given below?
Exactly you are not agreeing or disagreeing since you have not driven it right ? This is what is imp , some are regardless of driving it commenting what is that called ? Assumptions maybe ? ( Kindly note that you might not like it and feel the storme inferior then Scorpio after driving it and its all ok )
Scorpio and storme /safari shortcomings and positives are highly subjective .
2 of my friends like safari and Scorpio respectively and bought it and both are happy . The one who bought safari was simply not able to accept any positives put forward about scorpio infront of him , and the one who bought scorpio was convinced more on scorpio and dint like anything what the safari offered .
other friend was not convinced atall on both the SUVs and bought a Sedan sx4.
And the question you asked tornado about seating arrangement , is the same question we have been asking our other friend who has not seen the storme in real and yet commenting on under tigh support and ergonomics in the car so the request go see the car and then talk .
See one can allways form a opinion on a car without seeing it , but it needs to be done in limit .
One can comment about how newyork city is and form a opinion on newyork city watching a movie or pics or reading about it , but can't write a travelogue on it , for that one needs to travel there physically .