Dhanbad to Jhansi is 970 KM's. Although it is doable but its difficult. I advise you to break your journey at Allahabad
That's 520 KM's. That's more convenient and safe for you and your family. In case you still need to come up to Kanpur I am going to guide you through. Don't worry.You can PM me and have my contact information.
That's 520 KM's. That's more convenient and safe for you and your family. In case you still need to come up to Kanpur I am going to guide you through. Don't worry.You can PM me and have my contact information.
Dhanbad to Jhansi is 970 KM's. Although it is doable but its difficult. I advise you to break your journey at Allahabad
That's 520 KM's. That's more convenient and safe for you and your family. In case you still need to come up to Kanpur I am going to guide you through. Don't worry.You can PM me and have my contact information.
That's 520 KM's. That's more convenient and safe for you and your family. In case you still need to come up to Kanpur I am going to guide you through. Don't worry.You can PM me and have my contact information.