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But it's not mentioned anywhere in the brochure if zeta gets 15 or 16 inch alloys.Can anybody plz confirm who has seen zeta variant in person?
I am confused between petrol grand i10 ,baleno and ritz. Grand i10 has a weaker body shell, and judging by the weight of baleno which is almost 150kg lighter then ritz petrol. I dont think baleno's body is stronger than ritz. So which one should i go for?? Rittz zxi has quote from dealer 616000.
Kindly share your thoughts and views for the following;
1. Can baleno be assumed as a safe car in terms of structural built quality?
1. Can baleno be assumed as a safe car in terms of structural built quality?
2. Whether suzuki TECT a market gimmicks or a real thing ?
3.MS claim that they have used high tensile material for the cage to prevent damage while collission, with the current price bracket of baleno is it really possible for them to use high tensile steel and light weight composite material for strong body chasis (A car of this size with starting price of 5.20 Lacs)
4. Crumble zone and side impact beam not visible in their structural image.
5.Do you reccomend baleno over new ford figo hatch!
I am confused between dzire vdi & baleno delta/zeta diesel.
I have booked both cars and both are ready for delivery. I am not able to take a final call due to mixed reviews of baleno. Please guide which car should I finalize? My daily running is around 80kms.
I have booked both cars and both are ready for delivery. I am not able to take a final call due to mixed reviews of baleno. Please guide which car should I finalize? My daily running is around 80kms.
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