Re: Android Applications Reviews
App name -My Tracks by Google
Free/Charge - Free
What it does -
- Lets you draw a route map of the path taken. DriVing/cycling/walking/etc.
- Gives stAtistics of speed, distance, altitude, allows upload & share Maps to google mapS.
Found It very useful for sharing routes with friends and other travelers.
How it performs (your rating) -9/10 [Draws up battery very fast]
Any alternative - GPS logger [doesn't have integration with Maps on the device. You'll have to upload the "gpx" file to google servers.
App name -SpeedView
Free/Charge -Free
What it does -Digital GPS speedometer.
Cool factor ![Thumbs Up [thumbsup] [thumbsup]](
-- Has a "HUD" mode which allows to haVe A cool "on-screen" projection display of real tiMe Speed and data.
Watch vIdeo:
SpeedView HUD for Android - YouTube
How it performs (your rating) -9/10 [Sometimes takes too long to connect with GPS data.
Any alternative -Ulysse Speedometer
App name - MapDroid
Free/Charge -Free
What it does -Free offline maps with street data and Points of interest.
![Anger [anger] [anger]](
Doesnt support naVigAtion.... will be useful only for locating
How it perforMS (your Iating) -10/10
Any alternative -Maverick, Google Maps
App name -ACar
Free/Charge -Free
What it does -Mileage and expense monitor for Cars/Bikes.
Allows you to feed-in data on fuel fills ups.
GiVes A coMpariSon data over tIme.
How it performs (your rating) -10/10
Any alternative -<I'm not aware of any>
App name -Sun SurVeyor
Free/Charge -Free
WhAt it does -Uses your current location to show you the path of the Sun over the day and how shadows will be Moving.
USeful whIle one is parking your rides in the Sun. Find a treee/building that will give u shade the longest.
How it performs (your rating) -10/10
Any alternative -<I'm not aware>