Sedans v/s SUVs - Your Personal Pick?

Sedan or SUV

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Aug 22, 2009
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

wow this is great topic! well IMHO nobody should criticize any car..sedans are great but you cant drive on bad roads with them and suvs are great but dont give that great status impression of sedan!!
Thread Starter #62
Aug 24, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

What if they accidentally drive into?(especially at night times unknowingly),you have no chance!,but in case of SUV? It will wriggle out somehow.
Then it is time not to change car but the driver.[lol]

Again i prefer SUV's buddy....
Sure. This thread was not opened for forcing someone to like X type of vehicle, what I just wanted to know is the reason for preference which you have aptly put. Thats sufficient.

Buddy its not clear which Scorpio, you are talking about, 2.6 or 2.2?
It was the last lot of 2.6 Crde. However, I have sat in MHawk too & body roll is indeed there. Innova feels far better than scorpio in this regards.

You have not made clear on this, the other day you said Scorpio's brakes are hopeless.
But it's not so , it stops very well 100-0 in few seconds.
C'mon, I didn't meant to say that scorpio doesn't stops after braking. It is just that the braking doesn't give enough confidence.

Lemme give other eg. Drive a Chevy Cruze & Honda City on highway. Though both SEDANs (no UV) turn after turning the steering, Cruze feels much more planted than City, so the statement that Cruze steering response is better. Now this doesn't mean City's steering is hopeless. Hope this clears some air.

What so ever , every one likes to travel in Scorpio in my family.
Buddy, who is denying this fact ?? Had this not been the case, this thread wouldn't have existed at first place.

No offence to you S Class, but since you said a lot of things bluntly, I took some time off, to know your history on this forum and read all your posts. I found there have been a 'negative' approach and unappropriate statements made by you, not just on this thread.
Please show other threads.

I'll begin with this thread and the following is your opening post. I dint pay much attention to it, but after reading some of your posts, your opening post itself is unorganized and biased.
I have voted for sedan (check the name too as it is public). Hence, I had to be biased. However, the intention of the thread was to make a buying decision simple for a person who is confused between say Altis & Innova.

What? So, you want to buy a Sedan to impress some girl?
There is no need to do using is you who matter here & not the vehicle. And please note, it is LADIES & not girls. And there is a huge difference between the two.

Yeah, some blondie's might fall for it and have a good time, but you're the one who is going to drive the car and manage the expenses. So, owning a sedan is going to cost you more than buying one and more over, make you feel like a chauffeur and not an owner.
Couldn't stop laughing at this one. Buddy, when I meant ladies prefer sedan, it is also due to the easy ingress & egress from the vehicle.

My friend's GF almost lost her balance while getting down from Endevour & that too while wearing capris. I have found getting in & out is difficult if ladies have worn traditional dresses. In sedans, you step directly on land, in case of UVs, if height is more, one needs to properly step on the step given below the door which is uncomfortable & even worse if someone is wearing high-hill sandals.
Getting in the 3rd row of seats is nightmare........fold 2nd row & crawl to 3rd row. Even well built men find it difficult to get in & out 3rd row of seats.

Read this : my mother and wife, have enjoyed travelling more in my Scorp than in the Accent.
And I bet they must be seated in 2 row.

So, you're bond?

You should have left at this but you have said too many things, that, you will regret for creating this thread.
What's the fun without heat ?

...because of your inappropriate usage of words in the opening post and also because he has owned 3 Scorpios and an Innova. Btw, he owns few buses too. So, all the jazz that you spoke about space, multi-axle etc., he has experienced it.
Did I say anything inappropriate against any member here ?? Please show verbatim for the same. As far as bus is concerned, he said he wanted to have more seats, hence the statement. Please go through the content carefully before making baseless allegations.

How do you know? Did you physically design it or are you design head working for M&M? Btw, what is an MUV+? That's a jargon, never heard off.
Ahh, by this logic, shall I say rest of you are TEST DRIVERS for M & M then ??
Chill man, such baseless personal attacks are going to lead you nowhere.
Coming to MUV+, all things are invented for first time. Earlier, it was B, C, D segment for cars, then came B+, C+ segment too. Based on this I said MUV+ coz it is above MUV but below SUV.

How many SUV's have you driven? To justify, please post a picture or two, showing you driving the car. If not, consider this as a baseless statement too.
This is open forum where people FREELY EXCHANGE IDEAS. Had I not trusted fellow members, despite having contradicting views, I too can ask for pic/video showing how a fellow member got back to Pune from Mumbai despite water touching his bonnet levels. Trust element has to be there.

Also, I didn't knew you would be asking for such stupid proofs, else I would have invited you to be my co-driver when I drove the UVs.
Btw, I have not yet driven a single true SUV, all were UVs.

Rationalizing with air bigs? Baseless again.
Check the ANCAP SAFETY RATINGS. This has been posted above & show how UV is safer. If that is the case, you should file case against agencies like ANCAP which give ratings to all car manufacturers across the globe !!

That's baseless again. If the truck approaching in the opposite direction see's me overtaking a vehicle, he either goes to the extreme left or slows down, to let me maneuver. If it was a sedan, he wouldn't bother slowing down or making way for me.
Sedan is so peppy that even without truck driver slowing down, you can get pass him !! Btw, I never found where even in sedan truck tried to mess around. And yes, truck must be having some sympathy for UVs coz they treat them as their younger sibling.

How many times do you keep cornering or keep taking U-turns?
Come to Pune & see how many streets are one way now-a-days & how many U-turns one needs to take due to this.

Do you take your family/friends along to work? If no, why do you need a sedan for 4 people, if you're going to travel once in a while in 365 days?
This is a funniest & illogical statement I have seen. Besides work, do I do nothing ?? Not 4 but 3 people are there most of the times when I am not on work.

You may take your company transport/government vehicle or as you mentioned, hire a cab. Why do you have to own a sedan?
Had I been in New York, I wouldn't have owned a car coz the metro system there is simply fantastic.
My work profile is such that it is not home-office & office-home, so no company bus & hiring a cab is far expensive.....Rs.15/km (traveltime/wings) while driving own car cost anywhere between Rs.2.8-5.5/km.

What are you? CEO of World cars?
Nov 1, 2010
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@S class, the real problem in SUV is , "Sports" in it; a misnomer. in real life it is least sporty.

"S"UV is just a marketing term. maybe coined in early 70s or 80's (not sure) used arbitrarily.
If Scorpio or Sumo with present configurations was launched back then it would have been best SUV.

But in present day situation if I show our safari,Scorpio, Aria etc to my colleagues working abroad they will make me a laughing stock. they will sure accept the UV title but "S".
Normally they including myself we call it Trucks or Big car. cannot call it offroader either if not 4x4.

I agree Wiki pedia has a same meaning of SUV as what reciprocated from other members here , but it is strange.

The funnier side for me is if you call these UV's like safari and Scorpio as SUV as manufacturer quotes then what will you call a real SUV? an SSUV OR EOSUV.(super suv or extraordinary suv. )
Thread Starter #64
Aug 24, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

Did someone offer you a freebie to write againt M&M and its cars? Who cares about what you think dude? Why do you bother wasting your time writing such non-sense?
So, shall I say you are on pay-roll of M & M by this logic ?
It would be better if you contradict the view than the person.

Who tested Aria and XUV? How do you know its better? Give justification if not stop writing.
Check out the thread of Innova Vs XUV Vs Aria. Stop making comments without seeing complete stuff.

How tall are you? a 7 footer? You seem to have something to do with TATA.
I am not 7 footer, but over 6. And yes, I do have something with Tata.....I have their broadband service.

I really wish you had kept a lot of things to yourself. Remember the following :

1. Dhaya : Owns a Aria & Verna. Previously owned a Safari
2. Raj : 3 Scorpios, Punto and an Innova
3. Mukesh : Scorpio
4. Avinash : Accent previously and now a Scorpio
Thanks, but it was evident from their inclination towards UVs in any case.

So, make sure to do your homework before you start talking in such open forums. Importantly, if you were wish to write any further, use proper justifications by posting pictures, your driving experience with photographs and videos.
I am here not as a car reviewer but just as a auto fan sharing my views. You can either accept it or reject it, this is no court where we need to keep giving proofs. I have already given a solid proof about safety of Accord standards by ANCAP but UV fans on other hand just keep shouting that XUV 500 is certified by ANCAP safety standards but there is no link for the same, nor are the stars mentioned. Now decide who is making noise without evidence.

Technical advancements have resulted in much better and superior bigger cars yet our scorpy and safari stands no chance against a similar priced sedans like skoda,civic,cruz.these cars can smoke a safari or scorpio or innova delivering utmost luxury and control.
You spoke the truth but as this will be against mini-truck lovers, be prepared to get bashed by them in posts [glasses].

Just because i dont like a sedan, can I call it's owners idiots or goons or fools or whatever?!

@ S Class: You have not quoted any of my posts! :-( LOLZ.
Show me a single verbatim where I have called you as fool, stupid, goons etc. It is because of this nature of yours where you mix together the person & the views together that it makes no sense to reply to your post. I expected some maturity from so called 'Professional' members here but then no. of posts doesn't make one mature, does it ?

Finally, see the poll results. Its pretty clear who is the winner!
Only on forum. Look at the real sales figs & you will understand who is the real winner.

i am sure it was around 3-4min. approx. as it was bit large water body . Please i have seen land rover stuck so don't give me that look no car is perfect everything get stuck . No matter what you say . SUV is car with has ability to go off-road and as well as give comfort which scorpio and safari are very much capable off
if really want to drive all time in 3FT water better buy Boat
Again you misquoted me. By this logic, when you say bad roads, do we say buy tractor ?? Don't make dinosaur out of mouse.

[/QUOTE]SUV are indeed mini-truck which provide comfort but remember they need to make SUV parts more rigid so something has to compromised unless you are rich guy to buy expensive machine [/QUOTE]
Precisely this what we were saying from Day1. SUVs are mini-trucks but these get compromised on account of cost leading to which the end result is mass mover mini-truck. Fail to understand why some get angry with the truth ?[confused]

it made me laugh please my safari used to give 11 with AC in city where as recently tested BMW3 series gave 8-9 wit AC . SO i should say sedan are worst .
And I am sure this must the petrol BMW. You need to compare 320d with Safari dicor to get clear picture.

Sedan are good for On-road purpose
:agree: And we have even said UVs are good on bad roads.
The intention of this thread is to make open the pros & cons of sedan & UVs in day to day commuting.
Thread Starter #65
Aug 24, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@S class, the real problem in SUV is , "Sports" in it; a misnomer. in real life it is least sporty.

"S"UV is just a marketing term. maybe coined in early 70s or 80's (not sure) used arbitrarily.
If Scorpio or Sumo with present configurations was launched back then it would have been best SUV.

But in present day situation if I show our safari,Scorpio, Aria etc to my colleagues working abroad they will make me a laughing stock. they will sure accept the UV title but "S".
Normally they including myself we call it Trucks or Big car. cannot call it offroader either if not 4x4.

I agree Wiki pedia has a same meaning of SUV as what reciprocated from other members here , but it is strange.

The funnier side for me is if you call these UV's like safari and Scorpio as SUV as manufacturer quotes then what will you call a real SUV? an SSUV OR EOSUV.(super suv or extraordinary suv. )
Over there (west) even the Ford Ranger 4x4 is called as truck. Launch the same stuff in India, & it becomes SUV [lol]. And this is not just we who is saying this, take a look at official Ford website below, where they too call it as truck. Now, by global standards, if vehicle like Ranger is truck, then scorpio become micro-truck !!

2011 Ford Ranger Truck | Built Ford Tough with Best-In-Class Fuel Economy |


Thread Starter #66
Aug 24, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

I think this debate has really gone Big as the thread name suggests!
After reading through what I understood is S Class wants to say that SUV's sold in India are really not SUV and these are Big, Taller vehicles with more seating capacity than Sedans.And they dont have that sporty features of real SUV
Precisely this is what I wanted to say all long. Thank you for understanding my words buddy.[:)]

Sedans and SUVs are different catagory of cars and each catagory has different utility value.
+1. There is no doubt about this.

For our roads and even highways, SUVs are much safer than sedans.
Disagree. If the road is good, sedan wins hands down. I would anytime prefer Chevy Cruze on Mumbai-Goa patch over Scorpio or Safari.

SUVs has got road presence. (Sedan road presence is a myth - Road presence is different from turning heads. And even about turning heads, SUV turn heads better than sedan)
A muscular body has presence & so has Sumos (not tata sumo). Similarly, big sedans have road presence so do few UVs but head turning aspect is not there in case of UVs for sure.

Yes, politicians and goons use SUVs in our country. That does not mean every SUV owner is a goon or SUV owners are generally goons.
Hmm, as others, you too missed my earlier post where I have clearly mentioned 90% after which few even said that we belong to 10%. Now why do you think I am stating that you are in that 90% ?[confused]

The defenition of SUV is an off roader capable car which is also comfortable.

Safari is an SUV. So is the new Scorpio (mHawk)
First statement is correct but 2nd one is opposite to that of first one in totality. Scorpio & safari are UV & not SUV.

Thar is not an SUV - it is just an off roader (a tough one rather)
+1. Good for forest & hill roads.

It can be out of preference or need.

When i need to buy a car for regular commutation I'd compare which is best suited for my requirement. I wont think "ohh,they are of different class so it is foolish"

basic question and intention of this thread is I suppose "I want a car which could be best one" I may have money to buy both Sedan as well A muv. so due to classifications what do you recommend?
You spoke my mind [:)].

agree wish our government do something about road instead rising petrol price [anger] .
If they make good roads, how will they feed their stomach ?
You know, in Pune, there is famous road, Janglee Maharaj Road (JM Road) which leads to Deccan. The contractor who built this road had assured that nothing will happen to this road for atleast 15+ years & indeed despite being tar road, it was fantastic[:)]. And guess what, this contractor never got any new road building contract ever again from PMC.[anger]

Sedan are best if you want on-road performance and comfort . SUV are good with somewhat good roads and rest bad roads like my factory area . My accent bumper and underbelly are good example of damage
Agree completely. As said before, it is your use which makes you use this. Issue is what in case of normal good roads ?
Jul 28, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

Hmm, as others, you too missed my earlier post where I have clearly mentioned 90% after which few even said that we belong to 10%. Now why do you think I am stating that you are in that 90% ?[confused]
Hey it is you who mistook me here. I said this in support of you.

I don't own an SUV. Oops!!!! UV.

I am owning a Sedan - A Manza and I am happy with that.
(Let me run before somebody jump on and say its a hatch back with a boot and not a sedan)

{I would like to own a Safari (A new generation Safari) or a Range Rover if my financial position improves and at that time I would prefer to be catagorised in that 10%}
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

It was the last lot of 2.6 Crde. However, I have sat in MHawk too & body roll is indeed there. Innova feels far better than scorpio in this regards.
Innova is not an SUV, its a MUV.

I know according to you, scorpio & safari is MUV+, but I cant help such thinking.

Please show other threads.
There are so many that it will take him a hell lot of a time to search for all of it.

I have voted for sedan (check the name too as it is public). Hence, I had to be biased.
There you go. Just because you like sedans, dont be biased towards it. Have an open mind.

Couldn't stop laughing at this one. Buddy, when I meant ladies prefer sedan, it is also due to the easy ingress & egress from the vehicle.

My friend's GF almost lost her balance while getting down from Endevour & that too while wearing capris. I have found getting in & out is difficult if ladies have worn traditional dresses. In sedans, you step directly on land, in case of UVs, if height is more, one needs to properly step on the step given below the door which is uncomfortable & even worse if someone is wearing high-hill sandals.
Not necessary. In my family, they prefer SUVs & MUVs. getting in & out of a low slung sedan is cumbersome, especially for elderly people & women.

Getting in the 3rd row of seats is nightmare........fold 2nd row & crawl to 3rd row. Even well built men find it difficult to get in & out 3rd row of seats.
Sedans dont have 3rd row, so cant be compared.

Did I say anything inappropriate against any member here ?? Please show verbatim for the same.
You have said things like SUV owners are bullies, show offs, bad politicians & goons, etc. Would you deny that?

So, i am an SUV owner... you mean I am a show off, a goon?

As far as bus is concerned, he said he wanted to have more seats, hence the statement. Please go through the content carefully before making baseless allegations.
I said i wanted 7 seats, not 49 seats!

You please go through my posts carefully before posting senseless comments.

Ahh, by this logic, shall I say rest of you are TEST DRIVERS for M & M then ??
Nope. That is the reason we have not posted baseless comments like "Scorpio is an upgraded Bolero"!

I too can ask for pic/video showing how a fellow member got back to Pune from Mumbai despite water touching his bonnet levels. Trust element has to be there.
yea yea, while negotiating those flooded roads, you expect me to stop to take pics & videos?

But yes, I agree, trust among members has to be there.

Btw, I have not yet driven a single true SUV, all were UVs.
That is where the problem lies. [evil]

Come to Pune & see how many streets are one way now-a-days & how many U-turns one needs to take due to this.
Rest assured, there are more bad roads in Pune that fast corners! you cant avoid a bad road but you can avoid a fast corner... by going slow!

This is a funniest & illogical statement I have seen. Besides work, do I do nothing ?? Not 4 but 3 people are there most of the times when I am not on work.
it is not as funny as you asking me to buy a Volvo B9R to carry my family of 7 people or a Tata 407 to carry their luggage.

Check out the thread of Innova Vs XUV Vs Aria. Stop making comments without seeing complete stuff.
What was written in that thread? these are ONLY your views & nobody has accepted them that you are showing it as a proof!

I am not 7 footer, but over 6. And yes, I do have something with Tata.....I have their broadband service.
Innova has by far the most spacious 2nd row in that segment.

Show me a single verbatim where I have called you as fool, stupid, goons etc. It is because of this nature of yours where you mix together the person & the views together that it makes no sense to reply to your post. I expected some maturity from so called 'Professional' members here but then no. of posts doesn't make one mature, does it ?
you call SUV owners goons, show offs, bullies, etc. I am an SUV owner.

Would you like it if I call all CBZ-X riders as morons?

Dont say that you had said only 90% are goons...!

Only on forum. Look at the real sales figs & you will understand who is the real winner.
Thats strange. If the real sales figures was everything, what was the point of opening this thread & adding a poll? [confused]

The intention of this thread is to make open the pros & cons of sedan & UVs in day to day commuting.
Cons of sedans? where?

Scorpio & safari are UV & not SUV.
You are just not aware of the capabilities of scorpio & safari.

I am not saying scorpio is a hardcore offroader like LR, Pajero, etc. but its not a UV either. There are many things it can do which an innova or for that matter the XUV or Aria cannot.
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Aug 22, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@ SClass I appreciate your efforts to answer all the queries and responding to all allegations raised.
It is good that the debate is going really big and it is based on technical and fundamental facts.
PS: Avoid personal attacks guys, Keep the debate to the SUV and Sedans only.IMHO even the brands also need not to be discussed.
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@ S Class: I wish to show you some things a Scorpio can do which your sedan cannot. I again repeat, Scorpio is not a hardcore off roader but its no UV either. Please note most of the Scorpios in the videos are 2WD!

Mahindra Great Escape Mumbai Rally - YouTube

Mahindra Scorpio 4x4 - YouTube

Scorpios crossing water (bonnet level !!!) -

Scorpio River crossing scorpio 4x4 on the way to ladakh kashmir - YouTube


Introduction to off roading -

Introduction to Off-Roading - YouTube

A bolero is much more capable off road. Much more than the Q7. Want proof?
Feb 15, 2010
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@ Raj_5004: Thanks for those videos, it is know i feel my car is capable of doing such conditions.
I was in Kemmanugundi in 2009 on the way to jog falls, that was the 1st time i had been on no roads/bad roads.
My hawk did that route without fuss, but there was a logan which had struck at the same place which i had driven half an hour before.
Nov 1, 2010
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

Below excerpts from wikipedia perfectly speaks my mind on Sport utility vehicle

Sport utility vehicles are off-road vehicles with four-wheel drive and true off-road capability. They most often feature high ground clearance and an upright, boxy body design. Sport Utilities are typically defined by a body on frame construction which offers more off-road capability but reduced on-road ride comfort and handling compared to a cross-over or car based utility vehicle
below Pics of Ford Explorer,Jeep Grand Cherokee,I feel very comfortable and conveninet to call "SUV".
these when driven take you to a different level of driving pleasure/leisure.

But scorpio and safari are definitly more than a MUV/MPV . but not reaching upto true SUV so can we call it a Compact ,I dont think so.

They give feeling of Big,solid,toughness ,rigidity and power of offroader but are comforable and luxurious too but not as much as upto Xover or Sedan cars.

I have travelled in Ford explorer many times , your heart shouts this is SUV..SUV..SUV.

Well we are already running out of topic yet ....


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Thread Starter #73
Aug 24, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

Hey it is you who mistook me here. I said this in support of you.

I don't own an SUV. Oops!!!! UV.

I am owning a Sedan - A Manza and I am happy with that.
(Let me run before somebody jump on and say its a hatch back with a boot and not a sedan)

{I would like to own a Safari (A new generation Safari) or a Range Rover if my financial position improves and at that time I would prefer to be catagorised in that 10%}
Yeah, maybe I goofed up[confused]. Sorry about that. Equally I also hope you buy your dream UV soon, not Safari but Range Rover soon[:)].

Sedans dont have 3rd row, so cant be compared.
Point was just to show that 3rd row of seats isn't good enough even if one has it in UV.

You have said things like SUV owners are bullies, show offs, bad politicians & goons, etc. Would you deny that?

So, i am an SUV owner... you mean I am a show off, a goon?
90%. I have given egs. for same too.

That is where the problem lies.
But scorpio, safari doesn't classify as SUV. Hope you got the point.

Rest assured, there are more bad roads in Pune that fast corners! you cant avoid a bad road but you can avoid a fast corner... by going slow!
Disagree to this fact. Now as more & more roads are becoming of concrete, situation is improving & yes, in Pune City limits, even Alto works absolutely fine.

Innova has by far the most spacious 2nd row in that segment.
Who denied this ?

Would you like it if I call all CBZ-X riders as morons?
Now from where did CBZ-X came into picture here ?? You can call them whatever you want, what has that to do with me ?[confused]

Thats strange. If the real sales figures was everything, what was the point of opening this thread & adding a poll? [confused]
Because the poll is what you were looking at, hence the statement. Btw look at current votes, sedan vs UV gap has decreased.

@ SClass I appreciate your efforts to answer all the queries and responding to all allegations raised.
It is good that the debate is going really big and it is based on technical and fundamental facts.
PS: Avoid personal attacks guys, Keep the debate to the SUV and Sedans only.IMHO even the brands also need not to be discussed.
Thanks [:)].
Thread Starter #74
Aug 24, 2011
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@ S Class:I wish to show you some things a Scorpio can do which your sedan cannot. I again repeat, Scorpio is not a hardcore off roader but its no UV either. Please note most of the Scorpios in the videos are 2WD!
See other side of story too:-

Scorpio Failed to Drift - YouTube

Scorpio Offroading accident - YouTube


@jaydev:- Thanks for the pics. It is until & unless people sit in these type of vehicles, one can't distinguish between UV & SUV.
Feb 15, 2010
Re: The BIG Debate: Sedans v/s SUVs

@S Class: Buddy there are Pro's & Con's, there are other side of Sedans too.
There was a Cruze in Kerala, whose rear axles were dismantled from the body.
That doesn't mean Cruze can't handle, it all lies in drivers hands.

The Safari instead of going on road, has tried to go in a sticky ditch, which are lapses on part of driver, in spite of aware of situation he is falling in a trap.

The same with Scorpio too, driver knows there is a ditch he should have gone diagonally, & also those side steps removed, which would have given good ground clearance.

Most of the offroading are done in controlled situations.

If extreme offroading has to be done, then there are modifications required.

But the SUV's with stock condition can very well handle the indian (bad)roads.

In the end i prefer SUV's over sedans.
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