I always thought there is a bug related to wifi. In battery status it always showed on. Now i disabled scanning and now wifi remains off. I get 3 hours of screen time (100%-15%) will post how much battery improves after turning this off.
Yes ,but you can relock it after update . very easily. You need ADB and fastboot files. After installation of USB drivers you can flash the factory image file.
My initial impressions after using my Nexus 5 with Lollipop:
Lollipop looks excellent,but,there is some lag after switching on the battery saver.New keypad looks exciting.Battery backup is good on battery saver mode.Overall,Lollipop looks promising with its new look.Only grouse is gallery app has gone,which is not good.
My initial impressions after using my Nexus 5 with Lollipop:
Lollipop looks excellent,but,there is some lag after switching on the battery saver.New keypad looks exciting.Battery backup is good on battery saver mode.Overall,Lollipop looks promising with its new look.Only grouse is gallery app has gone,which is not good.
You can disable those useless apps came with lollipop but you are not using. It will release some more RAM and your Nexus will perform better.
One more important thing is you should update all your apps ,because some of them may not compatible with lollipop and slowing down your phone.