Vista- Aura ABS QJD-One year- 26000 Kms Ownership Review
Well first of all my apologies for staying away from TAI for a long time. I was really busy with lot many things professional, personal, social all of them!
Glad to inform you that My Vista has completed 1 year on 22nd July 2012, and the odometer shows 26121 Kms.Photo attached!(Proof)
Yesterday on her first birthday, Me and my daughter did the Pooja and celebrated it in cultural way
Below is the one year journey.
For initial one month I did not drove much, after the first service at 1500 kms in mid August, I really started spinning the wheel, almost on an average of 2200 kms per month or nearly 600 kms a week. Most of the travel took place on Pune- Mumbai expressway. two trips a week.Though I had taken her to countryside worst roads too 3-4 times.
During this one year there was no single trouble, not even a puncture! Most of the time I travel with my friends or colligues who are working in Mumbai and families in Pune, the same way I do since last 5 years
![Frustration [frustration] [frustration]](
So there are always 4-5 adults on board, all healthy. No one ever complained about seating comfort. Everyone carries laptop backpack (Carrying clothes and other stuff sufficient for 3-4 days), the boot is sufficient for accommodating that much of luggage.Considering all this the average fuel efficiency I experienced is around 19 KMPL, with full time A/C on.I never push the window glass down, I dont want the inside roof & upholstery get dirty.Another advantage of driving with all windows rolled up is you reduce air drag which help in maximum fuel efficiency which compensates the fuel burnt for running AC to certain extent.
Best Practical FE I have ever got is around- 21.5 KMPL
Worst Practical FE I have ever got is around- 17.8 kmpl
and I am very much happy about the figures.It takes fuel worth 1500 Rs for two trips between Pune and Mumbai.Even if travel by Volvo bus it is nearly 1600 for two trips ( Volvo cost 390 Rs for single journey) Only paying the toll is the pain it requires me to pay 400 Rs per trip.But the comfort and convenience I get is matchless for the cost.
Regarding the Car there is no much to talk about, as there are no troubles or niggles and I have already written most of the things in my initial review.
I have seen many guys complaining about AC poor performance, Hard gear shifting, Body Roll, Poor Fuel efficiency etc.
My genuine experience-
AC is working superfine as it should be working, Drive-tech gearbox is butter smooth- Though I face little troubles sometimes while engaging the reverse.
Body Roll- I agree people will definitely feel some body roll due to its high clearance, But again it depends on your driving style. I rarely experience body roll which is natural in ghat section and steep turns if you are driving at speed of more than 70- 80 Kmph
Fuel efficiency- I have already mentioned about it.
Tyres- I have got stock Bridgstone Tyres, which are as good as Brand new even after 26000 kms.See Photo Attached
Battery- Is working fine, never faced a problem.
Suspension- Though it has lost it stiffness, but it is comfortable on roads filled with potholes.
Regarding the TASS-
First two servicing I done with the dealer (Millennium Mobility) from whom I purchased the car, the experience was pretty good, the bill never went above 3 K with Oil and Oil filter change with wheel alignment.The last service I done at different authorised service center (Balaji Motors Aundh), the experience was not so good and bill they charged was 6600, reason they used synthetic oil- Mobil- My fault I di not instructed them properly, rather I shouldn't have went there, but since it was near to me I thought to take a chance.Which resulted in a wrong choice.
Now the bad part- which is not so bad- Accidents
As I have already mentioned in my earlier thread there was a small incident, where a lady driven civic took over from left at a signal and Civic's left door kissed the front bumper, living a arc mark.
A mercy of lady driver! Cant help. I am used to live with it. Since it is on the left side I hardly notice it Photo Attached
Another one- which caused a little damage!
In the month of may I went to our native for attending the wedding of my cousin, we were traveling at a speed of 80kmph, the road was good, suddenly two dogs appeared from right side, in middle of road- They were fighting amongst them- Must be a couple fighting over extramarital affair in the middle of the road , I was inching towards them, I saw in the rear view mirror a tempo was right behind me so avoided sudden braking, though the dogs disappeared suddenly , went to left side.And one dog again came back on the middle of the road. Must be the male dog who must have decide to suicide after the argument! Ha ha ha
I was left with no choice left but to hit him, though i reduced the speed and the impact was not severe and the Dog survived and must have went back to his partner. Leaving me behind with left braking fog lamp coming out, looking like a eye coming out, minor cracks on front bumper and a permanent deformation.Photo attached.
Haven't repaired it yet.
Third was again a pretty minor and was my stupid mistake-
It was in the office basement parking, a Innova was parked behind my car with around 2 meters distance, horizontally.Remember I do have rear parking sensors installed, so i was used to this kind of situations. I was reversing the car, then a security guy came in and started instructing me, I ignored the sensor beeps. It was like the chloromint ad- Ab lag gaya! I heard the sound and then realized that something has broken, and it was left tail light which get cracked and a small piece went off. Curing myself for listening to stupid security guy!One more damage on the left side!
Though it is very minor- I have started to ignore these kind of minor cuts, luckily all of them are on the left!So doesn't attract my attention. Photo Attached.
Apart from this everything is fine! After One year of flawless performance I Feel proud to be one of the lucky owners of Vista!
There is campaign running on facebook by Tata Motors named as Vista Lounge. I have registered for Vista Lounge and received a miniscule model of Vista from Tata Motors.