After a long break gypsy restoration updates.
sorry for not updating the thread.
busy with my work schedule , deficiency of Vitamin M causes the work in snail pace.
Present condition
Body leveling completed.
Body filler ,primer ,putty coated.
Congratulations, the condition has become far better than what we saw on the first page of this thread. By the way, the spicy red Sierra parked next to it also seems to be as much interesting.
Congratulations, the condition has become far better than what we saw on the first page of this thread. By the way, the spicy red Sierra parked next to it also seems to be as much interesting.
In regards with the body Lift is it possible will other Cars. I have a Sierra and have 265-65/R15 tyres on it. At times the tyre touches the body on speed brakers.
Another question will the body lift have an effect on assembling the other part on the body/ chassis?
Loving it. Eagerly waiting for the final pics. It's always an emotional moment to see a dilapidated car made new and running on the road again. All the best !