Sir today I received the 3M double size tape that I ordered on 25th April on tradus. Item is packed nicely and is not damaged but I'm not happy with their services. Be it website, seller or courier.
By first the seller took 4 days to ship the item although seller has quick dispatch rating (today or tomorrow). Then he used aramex courier which is worst of all, It took another 4 days to reach me. Usually with other couriers it takes 2 days otherwise 3 days max to reach me. Also note, the shipment type of aramex courier is overnight. I think it means the parcel only travels night and halts on daytime.
I guess the seller didn't had stock but managed to send me with some delays. I can tell this by receiving dusty package which seller didn't even mind to wipe before packing and sending. I have faced such issues with Indiatimes, Shopclues, Rediff shopping and I have blacklisted them. Now I'm gotta add tradus also in the list.
As of product, It isn't even accurate because its 12mm x 4m unlike 24mm x 4m thats mentioned in the website listing. Seller has even peeled off the price of the item and the listing in the website has now revised to Rs. 288. I had paid Rs. 169 + 40 shipping.
It was better if I had bought from ebay.in. I would have got 2x more length for additional Rs. 100. Plus their service would be far better.
Anyways, attaching snapshots below. Haven't opened yet but item looks original. Made in India and packed on 07/2013. 12I0072 has been mentioned inside, looks like product code. Scotch Brand Tape is also mentioned.
Best Regards
Sir today I received the 3M double size tape that I ordered on 25th April on tradus. Item is packed nicely and is not damaged but I'm not happy with their services. Be it website, seller or courier.
By first the seller took 4 days to ship the item although seller has quick dispatch rating (today or tomorrow). Then he used aramex courier which is worst of all, It took another 4 days to reach me. Usually with other couriers it takes 2 days otherwise 3 days max to reach me. Also note, the shipment type of aramex courier is overnight. I think it means the parcel only travels night and halts on daytime.
I guess the seller didn't had stock but managed to send me with some delays. I can tell this by receiving dusty package which seller didn't even mind to wipe before packing and sending. I have faced such issues with Indiatimes, Shopclues, Rediff shopping and I have blacklisted them. Now I'm gotta add tradus also in the list.
As of product, It isn't even accurate because its 12mm x 4m unlike 24mm x 4m thats mentioned in the website listing. Seller has even peeled off the price of the item and the listing in the website has now revised to Rs. 288. I had paid Rs. 169 + 40 shipping.
It was better if I had bought from ebay.in. I would have got 2x more length for additional Rs. 100. Plus their service would be far better.
Anyways, attaching snapshots below. Haven't opened yet but item looks original. Made in India and packed on 07/2013. 12I0072 has been mentioned inside, looks like product code. Scotch Brand Tape is also mentioned.
Best Regards
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