It took more and more visualization, some times even disturbed sleep (
![Confused [confused] [confused]](https://www.theautomotiveindia.com/forums/images/smilies/Confused.gif)
) before subjecting my ALBUS into a new avatar with JDM Red Emblem!
Decided wrapping the front grill with black matte vinyl finish, understood from 3M that they need the car for 6 hours for their workmanship @ Rs.2000/-
But, they clearly told that they will not remove the original emblem as their policy does not permit any removal and refitting and they just wrap externally everything.
I just tried with the person who did for SUNREX 4TH Gen ANHC , he agreed to come and remove the grill at the spot and hand over the OE emblem and wrap the chrome area @ Rs.800/-
But he took the grill to their workshop after removing the OE emblem and returned / refitted next day the grill wrapped. But I was disappointed as he could not do with single sheet of vinyl ; he used bits to cover the emblem area , as I expected the very next day it got opened and made my ALBUS look cheap.
I felt and regretted for my activity, and yesterday, being a holiday I completely removed the grill by removing the 4+ 5 plastic fastener clips with the help of my college electrician, detached the chrome part from black ABS black grill base as it looked dirty.
Removed the black wrap, polished the chrome, washed/ brushed to clean the black grill base. Felt very bad to note the scratches/ knife marks over my chrome grill by the person who wrapped it before.
Now, nothing I can do for a costly mistake, tried to make it shine maximum with the help of my wonder liquid AMWAY SG.
I just received my new set of JDM Red Emblems; the front (123 x 99mm ) got placed nicely with the pegs and refitted the grill, my ALBUS smiled at me!
Rear JDM Red Emblem, though not the bigger size (95 x 77mm) I ordered but to my surprise had a curved base, sized same (92x75mm) as OE logo, after removing the pegs got placed nicely at the back after cleaning the area (By isopropyl alcohol) , drawing the position with marker pen ( removed later by AMWAY SG) to ensure correctly placed.
Steering one just pasted over simply.
Hope, you will love my ALBUS’s new avatar, which may look simple but still elegant.
Thank you, all.