Thank you for your help guys,
it was indeed the wheel bearings. The rear LHS wheel bearing had gone kaput & hence the noise (stated in my post # 4221).
Good thing is that the A.S.S. did not make any issue of the aftermarket alloys & wholeheartedly accepted that it can be a manufacturing defect.
Bad thing is that the wheel bearing is not in stock as it is a slow moving item and according to the SA, will be available in a week's time.
Best part was the bill = Rs. 0/-. I had a few rattling noises as well... in the bill, they have mentioned "heater coil pipe fixed properly". No labour charge at all.
I find the staff at Fortune to be very courteous. As usual, I got a call from Fortune stating that my car is ready for delivery. When I reached there, I was handed over the gate pass almost immediately. I was waiting for the car to come out of the bay but because there were some 2-3 other cars lined up in front, my car could not come out. After some 5 minutes, the person driving my car came out furiously & blasted the drivers in front of my car that "cant you'll see that the customer here is waiting for so long? He could be having lots of work. Move your cars fast". Dont know, really liked that gesture from him... maybe dint expect such treatment when I bought a FIAT.
If such is the case for you then i don't know how it will be for people down south! So your car is lying at the A.S.S? When will the part arrive?
My car is not in the A.S.S., its with me! They will inform me when the part arrives & I will have to take my car back. SA tells me that the wheel bearings seldom go bad, so they dont stock it, he said it will take a week to arrive.