Wow, Wow, Wow!
Hats off, to your dedication and love towards the Amby, I read everything from page 9 onwards at a stretch. Now I will start reading from page 1 to 9
Its really hard to find tinkers who agree to work on old (read as good old) cars. Most of them just want to make a quick buck, nothing else.
I am stunned by the amount of patience you have, for everything from FC to rubbing polishing and especially the wipers. Four years since you started this thread, your work is an example for what patience can really deliver.
Please do upgrade to electrical fan, with a thermostat fixed on the coolant inlet pipe of radiator. If you dont have a space for it on current plumbing, then just cut and replace a short length of the rubber hose leading to radiator and get a metal pipe of exact size and diameter with a nut welded for the thermostat. Having an electrical fan is an advantage for you when you are in bumper to bumper traffic/otherwise slow moving traffic. As you already explained in the previous posts about less fan speed as idling etc. Do go for a 150Watts fan, anything lesser will take more time to cool. Bigger the fan, lesser time it works and provides more cooling.
Please update the thread with more pics and also a list of things which are way apart from the rest (like your grill).
Few doubts:
Have you made any changes to the rear suspension (added extra leaf?)
What is the top speed now (after restoration)
The sound you mentioned in top gear, was it like a rattle or like a growing (initially mild and then louder with speed) humming noise.
Diesel pump is it mechanical or Electrical one?
A normal seat cover and foam upgrade on other cars cost less than 15K (for art leather), why does it cost so much for an Amby? Is it purely the amount of work involved? or materials used - I am sure, I am missing out something here.
most important question
WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO or CLOSE TO BANGALORE? I have to meet you and your car after reading so much about it.
All the best. Excellent output.