My Experience as an Engineer, as a Mariner.

Dec 9, 2012
Exactly. I was wondering, how could I miss that! Anyways. Wish to get hotel stay at Ningbo. I could buy the chargers. Else, if I get on ship, I dont know when I will get to have them. Also, chances are some one ship might have same chargers. I can manage for some time.
Anyways this time, I am going to work on ship which has high voltage power system. High Voltage!! Why? Because its more efficient. Though its more dangerous too. But saftey systems ensure its safe to work on. More will come in as I get to know more about it.
I did have time at evenings during mu Mumbai visit. It seems others didnt have time. Also it was not weekend so possibility for others joining in was remote. Anyways, will definitely meet next time.

@ prads: Nice Video. Thanks.
Hey Nozzlering, on ships I think you have 220V supply for lighting right? The laptops should charge from 110 or 220 without any conversion. Regarding the phones generally any phone now has USB charging, so you should be able to get charged from laptop. USB charging would have low amperes though.
Thread Starter #108
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
[:)] Well, I was talking about two totally different things.
Whatever be the power system, lighting will always have 110v or 220v.
I was talking about the power generation system. Normally it is 440V. But this one has around 2000-3000v at the generation stage.

And laptop and phone charging...... I dont have the chargers, and I need to buy them.
Thread Starter #109
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
Hi mates. I am sailing right now. Let me take you a few days when back I was at Hong Kong airport, with a laptop, without a charger. I finally reached Ningbo at China. It was about 2030 hrs. I was taken to a hotel. Unfortunately no one spoke english out there. I checked in and went out looking for a possibility to buy a charger for my laptop. But shops being closed, I came back to the hotel. Next morning I was taken to my vessel. It is the biggest one I have ever sailed. With length of a little less than 350 m, it seemed endless. I climbed up the gangway and here starts the life of a marine engineer. Away from family. Surrounded by giant machineries. On a metal boat, floating, eager to travel over 3-4th of the earth.
The main engine capable of making 92000bhp with about 5500 kNm of torque is designed to carry more than 800 cellular containers. I wonder how many of Manzas would be needed to equal the enormous powerhouse!!

Massive 12 units engine. Here showing cylinder heads

Engine seen from bottom aft.

Its been more than a week onboard. We are heading towards Europe via Suez canal. I would like to cover Suez canal this time. Suez canal is a man made canal which has brought about revolution in the history of shipping. It connects Mediterranean sea and red sea. Built in 1869, it has reduced transit time of ships going to and from Far east Asia to Europe. Its single lane highway of ships. So one way traffic is possible. So ships pass in a convoy. And we have to join our convoy at a later date. We are supposed to be there on time, else we need to pay heavy penalty. We are a bit late and steaming at full ahead to make it. It seems difficult, but we will make it. Also Arabian sea would be calmer now. Good for making speed. But bad news is that its good time for bloody pirates too. This is the time they come out in plenty.
Container ships are at lesser risk because of their height and higher speeds. Still we need to be careful. I hope to give regular updates.
I am sure followings posts would hold your interest.
Oct 8, 2011
^ the first & 2 nd pic,is that your living quarters on the ship?
Gosh! The engine room is massive & i wish you May a safe voyage.
But what are the basic steps that you are instructed to do if encountering a piracy attempt.(hope its not classified info) ,I hope you guys have alot of tear gas canisters & nice hand guns.
Feb 8, 2011
Wow, NR sir, actually I love ships and your thread is tempting like anything. Fantastic Write-up with pics. Since not a mechanical not able to understand some pics except they are huge.

Love to here more about Suez canal with pics and also about Pirates.

Wish you a very happy and safe sailing.
Thread Starter #112
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
@ prads
Yes thats my day room cum office on ship. The pictures are only of main engine. The engine room is quite large. Will post pics of other compartments later.
All the machinery pics are of ship's main engine. Its so large, I cant cover in a single pic.
While passing throgh pirate area, we keep extended look outs, pass the area at higher speed. and limit our work to inside accomodation and engine room. We have a protocol to follow in case of an attack. I feel thats classified and I shouldn't discuss that on an online forum. But trust me its quite serious. One of my junior from college was on a hijacked ship. And he was under the Somalian pirates for over 3 months. Horrendous experience. So we have no other choice, but to be extra vigilant.
May 21, 2011

It is really interesting to read about a life of Mariner.

Last week I met a person near Guindy, he asked me the places to visit in Chennai in a single day. Immediately I said about Marina beach in Chennai. He said that he is a Navy officer and he got one day leave, so he decided to visit Chennai. I inquired about his experience as a Navy officer. He said that mostly he would be in training. once in three or six months only he get leave.

At that time I realized about his life. It will difficult to live without seeing family & friends.

Anyhow, your job is a thrilling job & I hope you enjoy thrilling life.

One request from me, Is there any possibility to visit those ships in person? If yes, Please let me know about your arrival at Chennai Harbor.

Have a Safe journey & waiting for remaining compartment pics as well as with your thrilling experience[;)]
Dec 9, 2012
@ prads
Yes thats my day room cum office on ship. The pictures are only of main engine. The engine room is quite large. Will post pics of other compartments later.
All the machinery pics are of ship's main engine. Its so large, I cant cover in a single pic.
While passing throgh pirate area, we keep extended look outs, pass the area at higher speed. and limit our work to inside accomodation and engine room. We have a protocol to follow in case of an attack. I feel thats classified and I shouldn't discuss that on an online forum. But trust me its quite serious. One of my junior from college was on a hijacked ship. And he was under the Somalian pirates for over 3 months. Horrendous experience. So we have no other choice, but to be extra vigilant.
nozzlering, nice updates and pics. My memories also flash back..[clap]
Regarding the pirates yes, when I was sailing we were attacked, this is about 15 years old story, Somalian Pirates those days did not have speed boats etc. They chased us and fired at us from their boat mounted machine guns. We just kept moving away at high speed(allowed by the engine). They basically chased us for about 15 hrs and could not catch up with us then they aborted their mission! Add to the bitter experience at that time my wife was on board[frustration]. Lucky nothing bad happened.
Merchant navvy is very exciting but some times it get risky too. I have experience, Flooding of ship(basically about to sink!), collision with another ship, helicopter crash..[evil] But now it all looks so adventurous.
Feb 8, 2011
nozzlering, nice updates and pics. My memories also flash back..[clap]
Regarding the pirates yes, when I was sailing we were attacked, this is about 15 years old story, Somalian Pirates those days did not have speed boats etc. They chased us and fired at us from their boat mounted machine guns. We just kept moving away at high speed(allowed by the engine). They basically chased us for about 15 hrs and could not catch up with us then they aborted their mission! Add to the bitter experience at that time my wife was on board[frustration]. Lucky nothing bad happened.
Merchant navvy is very exciting but some times it get risky too. I have experience, Flooding of ship(basically about to sink!), collision with another ship, helicopter crash..[evil] But now it all looks so adventurous.
15 hrs of chasing? my god. that is one hell of time should have been for you guys. I cant even imagine it.
Dec 9, 2012
15 hrs of chasing? my god. that is one hell of time should have been for you guys. I cant even imagine it.
At see time and days are different than what you see on land. Once you leave the port next port may be after a month. In the particular incident pirates were chasing us for long time and we just kept out of their reach of pirates. Generally these things will be kept secret as it produces panic among the crew. So till the last moment seniors will not reveal that you are being attacked. But when ever ships goes through the pirate threatened area, all precautions are taken(as Nozzlering noted). Generally caption of the ship might carry a weapon no one else. But if Pirates really board the ship it is simply meaning less to retaliate with the gun [evil]

Another important thing to note is, sometimes these things happen because of the greediness of the shipping companies too. Good reputed companies try to avoid the threatened area and take longer path for the safety of the ship and personnel in spite of higher cost of running longer route but others don't [evil]
Feb 8, 2011
At see time and days are different than what you see on land. Once you leave the port next port may be after a month. In the particular incident pirates were chasing us for long time and we just kept out of their reach of pirates. Generally these things will be kept secret as it produces panic among the crew. So till the last moment seniors will not reveal that you are being attacked. But when ever ships goes through the pirate threatened area, all precautions are taken(as Nozzlering noted). Generally caption of the ship might carry a weapon no one else. But if Pirates really board the ship it is simply meaning less to retaliate with the gun [evil]

Another important thing to note is, sometimes these things happen because of the greediness of the shipping companies too. Good reputed companies try to avoid the threatened area and take longer path for the safety of the ship and personnel in spite of higher cost of running longer route but others don't [evil]
That is right. I believe that is right way of protecting ship as well as the human lives
Thread Starter #118
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
We will be reaching Malaysia in 2 days. We will be taking 2000 MT of Fuel oil bunker. Bunker means refuelling of ship. Now the transfer of oil is done at very high rate. So it is a very critical operation.
In shipping, though safety is of utmost importance, commercial pressures are immense. Sometimes we need to reach on time. And we have to do everything to achieve that. Thats why ships are still passing through pirate areas. Although all necessary precautions are taken, still its high risk.
Dec 9, 2012
wow some life man. just as in films. getting chased for 15 hours by villains with heroine along. have a safe trip this time mate,will pray for you.
Mate, that was long time ago and I no longer a marine engineer! [clap]
Just pitched in some of the exciting [evil] incidents at sea on nozzlering's thread!
Thanks for the 'prayer' offer [;)]
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