Wow nice to see a Shippy here, Went through all the posts pic by pic, amazing work done by you nozzlering, I think that part of the world is still unknown to most of the people inland. Really nice that you started this thread.
Well let me also introduce to you and all people in this thread, I myself was also a Shippy, for about 6 Years before I migrated to US. Basically a mechanical engineer then in to shipping as on board engineer. But those days we did not have digital cameras, computers in cabins etc. But rest everything looks very same. I too have lots of pics taken by my SLR those days. Its amazing life on board, always on dirty cloths, unshaven days waiting for mail to arrive at each port! Trying to make expensive phone calls back to home! I am pretty sure now its all changed.
Keep up the good work, BTW you are doing a very good job educating the people on 'work on other side of world' or 'water world'