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Menace Of Excessive Honking In India.
One of the most apparent tantrum of the fellow motorists on Indian roads that we see daily be it 2 wheeler, 3 wheeler, 4 wheeler or many times the trucks is the excessive honking. I mean what is the need of doing it? We all are on road to certainly reach our destination and if there is a traffic jam ahead, none of us can fly over it man! Honestly, there is no significant need for honking excessively on fellow motorists on roads. It’s not only increasing the level of noise pollution but also shows how immature the driver is who doesn't even bother to take note of the road’s traffic. Even after placing bumper stickers of all types that highlight "No Honking" or "Do Not Honk" still a really big section of motorists prefer to turn a blind eye towards them.
I have often seen, in no honking zones like hospitals, schools and defense areas here in Delhi, people comfortably break this law and at times even my own driver does it which is absolutely insane of him and I simply don’t promote this kind of unethical attitude. I mean what’s the gain of honking madly? Will you be awarded on a National Celebration Day? Come on, when we all show ourselves as educated, civilized people then why most of us give a deaf ear to concerns like excessive honking?
Moreover another menace that I have often encountered is the use of high decibel horn in a 2 and 3-wheeler. This thing kills me more than anything on road. College student doing tripling without a helmet and blaring their all types of flute, guitar and trumpets musical horns in public places is purely insane. In India, if ever a census is done about the average number of times a person honks, I am sure majority of the motorists shall win our country a gold medal in this senseless deed. What I feel is that the impatience of the fellow motorists on road is expressed through the easiest way and i.e by honking excessively over the fellow motorists.
Another scenario where one’s impatience is highlighted by excessive honking is on a Red signal, when the motorist in front is slightly slow in moving, without any regards, the fellow behind starts to honk as if he’s about to soil his pants. Tell me something, if there is a jam or the car gets abruptly switched off due to a jerk on a signal, then, is it the person’s fault that is ahead of you? Absolutely No! Be more considerate to fellow-motorists on road instead of going insane on honking. Maybe someday even you might as well be in the same situation. Believe me , even if you honk the life out of your vehicle’s horn, neither the signal timing shall end soon, nor the switched off vehicle shall start any sooner if it developed a issue.
In my opinion and surely you all will agree too, Horn is an instrument just to intimate the fellow motorists about your intentions. When someone is turning on blind turning, wherein the on-coming traffic is not that visible, like in colonies, there you may honk once or twice. If you are reversing your car then surely you need to honk to make sure the vehicle/person behind is out of the way of your car. When all of a sudden, vehicle in front starts to roll back, then it is always safe to sound the horn at the driver to revive his/ her lost alertness. On the Highway, if you need to take a pass, horn is an effective medium to request.
I am sure you all might have also encountered this issue many times, therefore, please share your suggestions and experience in the benefit of all the other motorists out there so that all can be prepared to deal with such kind of drivers.
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