Re: Overheating Problem in Maruti 800
Hi all,
From 2 days I am facing the same issue, the fan is running, but after I drive 15 - 20 kms and switch off the engine I am able to hear the boiling sound , When I checked the sound is from the coolant tank the water/coolant was boiling the box cap has changed its shape, but the gauge shows only half the way.. pls help, my car is 8 years old and clocked 74500 kms, I got the coolant replaced recently..
Hi Varun,
Coolant boils when there is a leak in the coolant system and the excessive pressure increase is sending the hot coolant back into your coolant box before blowing off any of the hose pipes and engine seals.
You will also notice that your AC will get get cut-off when the engine is very hot.
I would advise you to do this.
On a cold engine -
1. Carefully open the radiator cap (Be very careful)
2. Start the car and let it warm up. Do not accelerate.
3. As the car warms up, you may see that the coolant visible in the radiator will keep going low. This is because, your coolant levels are really low in the coolant system even though you topped your coolant box.
4. Now slowly give throttle to teh engine and you will see the coolant level further decrease from teh radiator cap.
5. Keep 2-3 bottles of coolant aside and keep topping up.
6. Keep doing this exercise of throttling that way you can really fill the radiator with coolant.
7.Once your radiator is really full, top up the coolant box too and close the radiator cap.
This should fix the problem.
Let me know how it goes.