Update - Just got a call from the SA. Seems, they have checked the Engine Mounts, Gear Bedding Mounts etc. and all found to be normal. They are suspecting Clutch Plates and Flywheel Assembly to be triggering these issues and the only option is to replace them. Damage to pocket - About 12K
However, he said, the clutch is fine otherwise and if you can ignore this Jerk issue, you can run it for another 30-40K KMs.
He wasn't positive about Fuel Injectors or Filter but said, in case of such issues, IDS will show error codes. So, they haven't checked it otherwise. Moreover, I doubt they have any Flow Test Method for checking / cleaning injectors.
So, I asked him not to proceed for any replacement right now, as I can wait and monitor for some more time or a different dealer.
BTW, I was feeling hardness in the suspension and have asked them to check. Seems, the Front Left Ball Joint & Link Rods on both sides have some play and one of the front left suspension has a leak. This could be a normal wear. Damage to pocket - About 10K
. Again, they aren't a concern for safety or immediate attention.