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Current Date :10/09/2018: Petrol price in Mumbai is 88.12Rs/ltr
There is a very small difference of only 11.88/- rupees left to touch 100/-, it’s INEVITABLE. The Petrol prices are never going to come down or remain stagnant.
Petrol price in Mumbai on 01/08/2002: 33.64Rs/ltr
Petrol price in Mumbai on 06/06/2008: 55.88Rs/ltr
Petrol price in Mumbai on 15/05/2011: 68.33Rs/ltr
Petrol price in Mumbai on 01/09/2013: 81.57Rs/ltr
In between all these years,many months the prices have gone up or stayed down.
So the main QUESTION,
What if the price crosses 100Rs/ltr in future?
ANSWER: I will have to completely work my expenses and add the petrol expenses under major monthly expenditures. If after all calculations I feel maintaining monthly Petrol expenses is not feasible I will look to buy a 2 wheeler with the max mileage to cover my daily run which is close to 10kms/day.
Disclaimer: This is not a Political Thread(please don’t convert it into one), its just an AAM AADMI’s worry and the solution to it.
There is a very small difference of only 11.88/- rupees left to touch 100/-, it’s INEVITABLE. The Petrol prices are never going to come down or remain stagnant.
Petrol price in Mumbai on 01/08/2002: 33.64Rs/ltr
Petrol price in Mumbai on 06/06/2008: 55.88Rs/ltr
Petrol price in Mumbai on 15/05/2011: 68.33Rs/ltr
Petrol price in Mumbai on 01/09/2013: 81.57Rs/ltr
In between all these years,many months the prices have gone up or stayed down.
So the main QUESTION,
What if the price crosses 100Rs/ltr in future?
ANSWER: I will have to completely work my expenses and add the petrol expenses under major monthly expenditures. If after all calculations I feel maintaining monthly Petrol expenses is not feasible I will look to buy a 2 wheeler with the max mileage to cover my daily run which is close to 10kms/day.
Disclaimer: This is not a Political Thread(please don’t convert it into one), its just an AAM AADMI’s worry and the solution to it.