How Tough it is For Females To Drive in India.

May 11, 2011

Its okay that such incidents happen but not to the extent.
Okay that women drivers are in a lesser number,but then look at some young girls,weather its Activa or an Alto.They drive them like hell,even NFS cars are also driven in more discipline then they do.
And when they bang with some good and calm guy then the guy is declared responsible.What about our condition?
Sorry bud, but what you have written isn't true, and for your information, girls don't drive rash, if they do, they don't know how to ride and just go with their stoutness and arrogance.
Aug 24, 2009
Dubai / Mumbai
On the topic of girls driving/riding rashly, I would second 'Vishwas' that, I personally feel, girls dont drive rashly because they want to... They just drive rashly because some of them dont know to drive/ride properly. We boys drive fast to get that adrenalin boost, I dont think that is the case with girls. In fact, most girls are scared of speed. So, if at all a girl is driving rash according to us, most probably she is not even aware of it!

Yes, I do agree with mbt_india that girls do get more sympathies in accidents, even if it's their fault. How can we blame them for that? It's the desperate men who are willing to take a chance by helping them out... So who is at fault here?

Before you guys pounce on me saying that I am a womanizer, I am not! I have just learnt to think from their point of view... [glasses]
May 22, 2011
Pune, MH
Before you guys pounce on me saying that I am a womanizer, I am not! I have just learnt to think from their point of view... [glasses]
No offence, but could you elaborate how you "learnt to think from their point of view.. ."

a. "Just married"
b. Extended honeymoon made it a late learning
c. New girl in case you are still single
d. Played a mediator to resolve a road accident involving women
Dec 8, 2010

I feel that we are getting too deep in to this subject now !!

With a great difficulty we found one bold courageous female TAI on board and we should not indulge in finding faults within ourselves who is good a male or female when driving. Mistakes happen with every body at any time.
She has made some points which we may be already knowing them and some of them are correct too, so make note of such things where we can focus on them in future while driving is enough it looks to me.
If we keep on debating that who is good who is bad and who is victim there will be no end to it I feel.
simply welcome the fellow female TAIian and listen to her and go on with some useful automobile discussions.

All the above is my pure personal feeling and not to hurt any male or female sincerely
rest is left to you !!
May 26, 2012
Parul Mam you are correct in most of your posts:agree:,
but i myself gets scared every time i notice any female driving near my ride. The reason is only nervousness and nothing else, but i think to overcome that nervousness just think as if you owns the road(but don't occupy it).

Its nice to see an active female member on TOI[clap].

And now Vipul, this time buddy, i completely agree with all your posts.
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
[:)] Latecomer at this thread. Much has been debated. Though I agree to some points put forward by ParC, I completely agree with views of Vipul, mbt and some other mates. With the amount of morons present on and off the roads, its equally tough to drive on Indian roads, for all of us.
I remember one incidence (my school days). I was driving my father's scooter at around 50 kmph. Road was empty. 2 girls were on there bicycles on extreme left. All of a sudden they decide to take right turn, without any sign. I applied brakes and steered to extreme right, but the spare wheel hit one of the cycles and one girl fell down. I could have easily kept on driving. But I came back (foolish me). The girl started shouting at me. And public also. One of the public signalled me to run away, and I did that. At such situations, you cant do much. The situation is already in the girl's favour.
Though women folks talk of equality, they dont mind taking the favours extended to them for being the fairer sex. And women have realised the fact and have learnt to use it in their favour.
As far as bad drivers are concerned, they are many irrespective of sex.
Anyways, nothing much to say from my side.
Apr 2, 2012
Now here comes one more such interesting incident happened in the outer ring road Bangalore.

PS : I purely mean not to hurt any such lady drivers after reading this.

Once i was driving with my friend in Pulsar and i was nearing the lady driver Scooty(now don't get into the intention that i was following her [anger]) i stayed on just 50 then all of a sudden one black yamaha passed very rashly beside me and her Scooty, she was scared and imbalanced for some time couldn't contol her ride and i thought that she might fell, she somehow came back to normal and concentrated on the road, and later she stopped for the signal and spotted one more black pulsar and now the real drama starts, Suddenly she started accusing that guy for rash driving, scolded him pretty bad that guy was [surprise] simply listening and wondering what is wrong with this girl. Me and my friend was enjoying the conversation and i thought it might grow big and i interfere in between and i said madam calm down you have :confused: mistaken this person it was the other one with black yamaha that fellow passed already how can you catch him. you are confused with that guy and she didn't even had the courtesy to say sorry, guys believe me she was not that much dumb enough to understand, Firstly i say it was the Black Yamaha's mistake he was fast and safe but what abt others and the Scooty girly was very much tensed and angry too. It was funny enough to watch.
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Jun 5, 2012
majority of the female's do not actually read the names of look correctly at the vehicles, what they see is the color of a particular car and the design. even if its a different car but has the same color or a similar design for them its one and the same.
Apr 6, 2012
F Deck
@jango :offtopic: We're discussing on something else buddy.

What you have mentioned comes out of interest. How many of us can differentiate between a petrol and a diesel engine. I am sure for majority, it will be difficult. Nothing wrong in that.
Jun 5, 2012
@jango :offtopic: We're discussing on something else buddy.

What you have mentioned comes out of interest. How many of us can differentiate between a petrol and a diesel engine. I am sure for majority, it will be difficult. Nothing wrong in that.

I know, my apologies...i just shared my experience. Well, nothing from my side on this topic as we all have more or less experienced the same. So where ever i see a female driver ahead of me i maintain my distance and move on as soon as possible without distracting her.
Aug 6, 2011
Meerut, U. P.
Oh,I was preparing some food for thought and the girl gained 'SAMARTHAN' and 'BAHUMAT' in the mean time.
Well guys weather you agree or not but truth is that "Negligence is negligence,it does not change into attentiveness if you call it 'NERVOUSNESS','FEAR' or 'BOUNDATIONS'".
Girls have an advantage of tears and boys have a disadvantage of being boys.And guys be careful of those tears.."These tears have resulted in Mahabharat"[lol] and it looks like half of you people are getting flown into sentiments.

The one who is right never needs to justify him/herself.Good women drivers are there but miss ParC,your views are like JUSTIFYING THE FAULTS WHICH GIRLS MAKE.If we are right we come out proudly and say "We did it" weather its right or wrong in the eyes of society.But these acts like blocking other's way,speaking less and crying more,driving at 40 kph in a lane where everyone else is doing 140 does not mean anything sane okay.
  • Girls block the way on abandoned roads,maybe some goons can loot both the cars,or loo the car running behind because no one my be following the poor guy.
  • Girls cry due to nervousness,suppose a girl on a scooty hits a guy's car and starts crying.Then till the time the girl will stop crying to accept her fault the public would have already fractured the guy.So this crying is also life threatening.[lol]
  • Girls driving at 40 kph in a lane dedicated to 140 and similarly cutting lanes are even more life threatening.Just imagine a poor guy in an Alto tailgated the Honda City of the girl on any such road,now the guy will force torture thrice:
  1. First he will be injured.
  2. Secondly public can injure him even more.
  3. Thirdly,he may be forced to pay for both Alto and Honda City's repairing.

It looks like I really need to stop my food for thought preparation and write a thread saying "The PURUSH driver's IRONY"[lol]What say guys?
May 26, 2012
You are correct upto a level but don't you think you seems too harsh. But how so ever harsh you are, its a bitter truth we all(boys) face here and there that is why i usually overtake female drivers as soon as it is possible[frustration].

you are a true story teller buddy i am convinced, hammering at the right time.

But we all must agree, what parul has mentioned at least upto a level. I am not trying to be diplomatic, but i find vipul as well as parul correct.
Dec 1, 2011
Dear All lets continue the debate only in a polite way with no personal remarks, this is not a boy vs girl drivers thread -> We all have the right to a point of view, lets keep the debate healthy, there are always 2 sides to a coin, so lets not generalise.
Please present your views politely without offence to other members - this is our collective responsibility out here in a forum
Thread Starter #44
Jul 27, 2012
Gurgaon and Delhi
@TSI:Don't yeu feel that you are getting a bit too harsh on the topic.I am just keeping my point but you are like making a blunder of them.
@Iron Rock:You are absolutely right,we need to keep calm and stick to the point.

@Vivek and Vipul:I never said women drivers are perfect,just what I have mentioned is how many problems are faced by women drivers on our Indian roads.

Let me mention some more points and this time I'll try to be even more honest.

We never flee,women drivers never flee the scene like some creep instead we always stop at the scene and try our best to provide the best of the help we can.Nor we are heartless enough to let anyone die on the road just because the person came in front of our car.

What about the follow ups we face?Nearly every girl who drives in India is facing this issues,guys in bikes or cars following then for kilometers.Don't they have any other work?

Every mechanic or petrol pump attendant tries to con us,even the guys who refill air also try to con us saying "Madam valve is retired,we need to replace it".On minor punctures,they say "Madam tube is needed to be replaced".

We cannon change the flat tyre,but then no one comes to help.Why?Guys have time to sweet talk the girl but not for helping her when she really need it.
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Dec 1, 2011
ParC your opinion is respected but lets take a step back and also understand that the fact most men get mobbed and beaten in such situations (even for no fault ) , whilst thats very rare to happen with a women.

Regarding petrol pump attendants and puncture repair guys - happens with everyone not limited to women.

Once again appreciate the fact that you are highlighting issues, but lets be pragmatic as well. Lets keep a balanced view rather than a men/women bashing thread.

Appreciate everyone's understanding in this.
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