@TSIVipul: Fantastic, excellent and extremely educative write up. Pretty sure this would enhance many a beginners' confidence to take on the highways. If you don't mind, would like to add a few tips from my side:
1. Fixated EYES: Irrespective of the speed, if one happens to overtake more vehicles, he/she is faster than many. This situation warrants improved "situation awareness around the vehicle". My eyes are generally fixed on the road (well) ahead, while stealing quick glances at the Mirrors. I do participate in all the chats going around in the car, head might turn (to make them believe I am actively participating), but the eyes NEVER leave the road / mirrors.
2. When you Drive at speed, do only that: Unless otherwise the situation is safe I don't try to read the Dash-Console nor power on my Camera. I want to enjoy a beautiful scene? I safely pull over to the left. I have to take that call (though over Bluetooth) ? I move to the slow lane, drop speed and answer that call. Casual chatting with family/friends inside the car is one thing; a phone call NEEDING one's attention is another thing. Same for Mobile Maps or fiddling with pen drives/CDs. STOP the car or ask someone else to do those.
3. Blind Zone: Those OVRMs are there to be deployed; not to be protected from sun stroke/cold wind. Yet, while changing lanes I don't trust them alone. My instructor taught me to turn my head to capture what is NOT shown by the mirrors. This is applicable at all speeds, in City as well as out of it.
4. Use that HORN: At night, before attempting to overtake a truck, better give a short horn, just to take care of the driver ahead who has momentarily missed your Dipper flashes and is unaware of your presence. This is STRICTLY applicable whenever the clearance around the vehicle up ahead is less. I had had some seriously scary moments in my life, and have come to love the inventor of the Horn Pad