Thread Starter
Disclaimer: Long post – beware of overtaking… err reading time and better keep slow and safe. The views mentioned are completely mine and neither we nor TAI by any ways promote unsafe driving practices or the violation of speed limits anywhere throughout the world. Rest, the deviations from the mentioned tips can be observed based on the driving style of individuals. Drive Safe, wear seat belts and follow speed limits.
Hello guys, after the successful completion of my financial planning for making car purchase series that comprises of the following three threads, we are back to driving tips classes to learn and share more about safe driving practices:
Going by all this and after bearing me for three threads(I am sure none of you has been able to bear three of them) we can expect that right cars have been brought by the buyers, now let’s move ahead with something that has the dealing with true hardcore metal and true raw power – let’s just hit the roads with our rides and no more boring finance management classes(Ehh, I know I can make anyone sleep) and comes the interesting part driving, more driving and even more of it.
This series is based more on experience, the practices we regularly follow to keep ourselves safe, quick and comfortable on the road and letting others also enjoy the drive without causing any damage to their safety, joy or comfort. In this new series we have tips and tricks of negotiating different situations one faces during regular drives and in various environments. Adaptability is the principle behind this series and all we are going to discuss here is how to adapt according to the need of the situation. Any person who is married can give us some golden examples of ‘how to adapt according to the need of situation’!
Jokes apart(Ehh, sounds tough though), here we are going to discuss on how we need to change our driving style and some thumb rules that one needs to follow to keep themselves as well as others safe on the roads. Since every kind or road, area or even vehicle requires a different kind of hand or foot for controlling(forgot to mention – mind also required) the vehicle so all we are going to discuss is of the points that one must keep into mind while driving in different environments that can help one enjoy the drive – safe and comfortable. So this series comprises of four threads:
So as the thread title suggests, this is the fourth(and last) thread in the series and is called High speed driving - Do’s and Don’ts
Moving ahead in our same old and boring style(I told na, I can make anyone sleep), here is the list of chapters you will have to bear:
Hello guys, after the successful completion of my financial planning for making car purchase series that comprises of the following three threads, we are back to driving tips classes to learn and share more about safe driving practices:
Going by all this and after bearing me for three threads(I am sure none of you has been able to bear three of them) we can expect that right cars have been brought by the buyers, now let’s move ahead with something that has the dealing with true hardcore metal and true raw power – let’s just hit the roads with our rides and no more boring finance management classes(Ehh, I know I can make anyone sleep) and comes the interesting part driving, more driving and even more of it.
This series is based more on experience, the practices we regularly follow to keep ourselves safe, quick and comfortable on the road and letting others also enjoy the drive without causing any damage to their safety, joy or comfort. In this new series we have tips and tricks of negotiating different situations one faces during regular drives and in various environments. Adaptability is the principle behind this series and all we are going to discuss here is how to adapt according to the need of the situation. Any person who is married can give us some golden examples of ‘how to adapt according to the need of situation’!
Jokes apart(Ehh, sounds tough though), here we are going to discuss on how we need to change our driving style and some thumb rules that one needs to follow to keep themselves as well as others safe on the roads. Since every kind or road, area or even vehicle requires a different kind of hand or foot for controlling(forgot to mention – mind also required) the vehicle so all we are going to discuss is of the points that one must keep into mind while driving in different environments that can help one enjoy the drive – safe and comfortable. So this series comprises of four threads:
- High speed driving - Do’s and Don’ts.
So as the thread title suggests, this is the fourth(and last) thread in the series and is called High speed driving - Do’s and Don’ts
Moving ahead in our same old and boring style(I told na, I can make anyone sleep), here is the list of chapters you will have to bear:
- Who Said Speed And Safety Can’t Go Side By Side?
- Know The Road
- Know Your Ride
- Know Yourself
- Theory Of Relativity – What Are High Speeds And ‘Where’?
- Whether I Do 80 Or 120, Does It Make Any Difference?
- Empty Road Is Tempting Road And Temptation Kills
- Expressways Aren’t Playgrounds
- It’s Raining But I Need To Be There On Time
- I’ll be Saving My Time And Money By Hitting The Road In Night!
- Misconception I: My Car Has Got ABS And Airbags, I Am Safe!
- Misconception II: My Brakes Are Good Enough To Stop The Car In Time!
- Carelessness Is Killer – How To Deal With That Burst Tyre?
- Running Elephants And Running Heavy Vehicles Are better Undisturbed
- Some Special Cases And Points To Remember(Final Tit Bits)
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