Thanks Aks On 27th Jan I've completed my vechicle registration in lessthan 20 min.
I reached Khairatabad RTO at 12:30 pm on monday 27th and by 1:00 PM I'm at Khairatabad Junction waiting for Signal.
Just 3 steps:
2nd floor 1st count(New registrations) handover the documents to the clerk pay the amount Rs.625, collect the verified documents and Payment receipt (5min)
2nd floor last counter(Digital Signature). Handover documents to the clerk and when he asks just give your signature on the digital pad and collect your documents (5min)
Take imprint of your Vechicle chasis number on the documents n show your vehicle to the RTA constable, he will cross check the chasis number and the imprint on the Papers, Hand over the documnets to Inspectior (5 to 10 min)
Vechicle registraton is done
Once again Thanks to Aks for the post and Thanks to N.Chandrababu Naidu for Making Rigistration and RTA process so simple in AP.
At 5pm visit the office on 2nd floor counter1 to collect the Authorisation letter to fix the highsecurity numberplates.
There is a new counter at parking area for HIgh security numberplates order. Handover the letter and Rs.649 (for car) collect the receipt check your name and number and revisit date for fixing. (appx., 1 week) Regarding this order and revisit date we'll get an sms so no need to worry.
Timings for number plate fixing 2pm to 6pm:
On the day of fixing it may take around 1hr (plates search takes 10min and fixing takes 10 min and remaing time is for waiting if you want
choice is yours
On the day of fixing please carry Original RC card if not availbale carry Original Insurace and other supporing documents to avoid teething problem.
Note: You no need to pay any bribe no brokers
Total Cost : Rs 1300 and 3 visits for the same dealer has quoted Rs.2500/-