DSLR - How To Make Your Photos Stand Out.

Mar 30, 2011
225 Tips from famous photographers can be found at the link at the end of past.

A few tips that I liked (up to Pg 3) are :
  1. Make sure people aren’t smiling. Otherwise you end up with a snapshot.
  2. Find the right environment – by which I mean the right environment for that person.
  3. You should never think that the camera is the most important thing. You need to simply find a camera that you enjoy using and stick to that. You should just use the camera as a tool.
  4. You need to think about light all the time. Photography is about light, and it can come from any source – the sun, a candle, a computer.
  5. Spend time studying the species and habitat you’re shooting. Try to visualise how you’re going to take the shot before you do so.
  6. ever forget about composition. The background is crucial.
  7. Have a camera with you at all times. You never know when something is going to happen.
  8. Keep your elbows in. If you put your elbows out like a chicken when you lift the camera to your face, it makes people very aware of you.
  9. Know the law where you’re shooting, and how it will affect you taking photos.
  10. Don’t be afraid to go in tight with a wide-angle lens. (Me: Mine is an APS-C cam where a 28mm lens is 42mm equivalent, 35mm lens is 52mm and 50mm is 75mm. I'm not comfortable at 24mm as I find facial distortions in Portraits. 28mm is good for certain Portrait compositions. But the 35mm is just perfect. Try it.
  11. By tightly framing the subject the intent of the image comes through strong and clear.
  12. Choose subjects you’re passionate about.
  13. If an image still isn’t working, really think about why this is happening. Retaking the shot in different circumstances could work.
  14. Think about creating images that look fantastic straight out of the camera. Focus on the image and the emotion, and focus less on digital trickery.
  15. Always use a tripod – it will help you to be more deliberate and thoughtful.
  16. Always look for colour and how best to capture it.
  17. Try to travel light. This will encourage you to always take a camera out and about with you.
  18. Do something different – most birds have been photographed many times before. Don’t feel that you have to chase ‘perfection’.

Famous Photographers: 225 tips to inspire you | Digital Camera World
Aug 19, 2012
How to change the focus in Nikon D3100?I have Nikon D3100 since 1 year and I'm bit amateurish at photography.Mostly I take the pics of the persons and nature(preferably my parents or my friends).The lens are 18-55mm one and planning to change it to big lens if my parents approve it.
Mar 30, 2011
@ Music_Swift

  1. This might help you How to Focus a Nikon DSLR Manually - For Dummies
  2. Forget about Big Glass. ZOOM lenses tend to restrict creativity. MOST DSLR owners buy a Zoom Lens for the reach but will leave the Camera at home due to the Bulk and Weight. Go for Prime lens. As you said you shoot People & Nature, get the "Nikon AF-S DX 35mm f/1.8G Lens" that sells for around 10k.

I spent Rs. 25k for a tiny 35mm lens for my NEX5R which is in E-mount. This 35mm stays in my Camera most of the times. And the Camera stays with me 50% times, whenever I leave home. For APS-C camers, it has 52mm equivalent FoV and is just perfect. Till one sees thro a 35mm lens, it is difficult to understand the benefits.

PS: Before committing yourself to a Zoom Lens, do consider how and whereall you'd carry it around. I find MOST DSLR owners using their mobile Cams. DSLR with big Lens has a tendency to be at home. Ask your friends.
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