Discussion on Road Safety in India

Mar 19, 2014
Re: Traffic fines in India to be increased

Traffic fines in India to be increased : Drunk driving INR 10k, Speeding INR 4k

A serious initiative by the Govt. we still have a long way to go, to becoming responsible citizens.

On the other hand, we have trigger happy goons, netas pulling out a gun pistol, to show who is the "Road Ruler"


Traffic fines in India to be increased : Drunk driving INR 10k
I respect this initiative but on other hand the RTO police who are supposed to collect those fine should do their job clearly. It should not happen like instead of paying fine one will swiftly pass Rs.100 or Rs.500 note into constable hand and escape freely.

For drunk drivers there should be a rule of cancellation of driving license itself. And for netas and local goons the fine should be 50% more. Just my thoughts [evil]
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