anyways for those who thinking petrol has gone up 1.50 & diesel only 0.45 & assuming nothing has changed are probably wrong because the petrol hike might well be the only hike till 2014 whereas Diesel hikes every month are a given ...
I would like to correct myself for the post no. 51 that I made, the corrected equation is:
Total subsidy on fuel = one third is borne by oil marketing companies like IOCL, BPCL as losses + one third is paid back by government to oil marketing companies + one third is paid by exploration companies (ONGC, OIL and GAIL) to the oil marketing companies.
So those getting confused whether oil marketing companies actually make losses or not- yes they do, but only one third of the total subsidy losses.
Also regarding VAT- State government pays nothing to the central government from whatever they earn from VAT. All the collected VAT remains with state government only.
Source: A senior personnel from an oil marketing company told me all the above.