The Bike was tested by XBHP riders here in Pune at Bajaj's Chakan Plant test track.
Here are some
results for you all -
Gear Speed (KMPH)*
1st - 43
2nd - 66
3rd - 90
4th - 107
5th - 120
* All as indicated on speedo.
I personally never expected these kind of figures from a 135 cc bike.Looks like Bajaj is Heading on the right Path.
This bike is intended to be a tool for city commuting, for cutting through the regular stop and go traffic, choked up roads and the everyday chaotic jams. As such, what would be more useful?
a. A quick throttle response
b. Ability to putter around and pick speed when one needs to
c. Properly spaced gear ratios to travel effortlessly in various traffic conditions
d. A good mid range and decent top end for large cities where one needs to reach to the other end of the city