February 2018:
My Boy
Removed to lube the swingarm. The amount of dirt accumulated.
Did a thorough clean up.
Spanking new
Some part:
Clutch Lever Boot - 20PF6372000 - ₹ 11.00
Sprocket Holder - 4LSE74560000 - ₹ 10.00
Sprocket Holder Flange Bolt - 950270601000 - ₹ 2.00
Clutch Lever Adjuster Bolt - 901230804600 - ₹ 20.00
Throttle Cable - 21CF63110000 - ₹ 233.00
First model FZ had extra long throttle cable, later ones won't fit.
(Some local vendor)
Clutch Cable - 21C-F6335-03 - ₹ 133.00
Thorough wash after changing cables.
Installed back the footpeg feeler. Removed it long back as folded jeans was getting stuck. Change in habits.
Now it someone asks how is the Diablo Rosso.
Would simply show this
. This is with mild roundabout cornering. Metzler like leech grip or even more.
Gave bike to Riders Garage, the same guy who fixed all the issues with PowerPig. Listens to the customer, understands and fixes every single problem. Wasn't expensive too. Barricade had unresolved tak sound from rear since delivery, asked every time at SVC as well as previous mechanic. He fixed it. Front brake calipers slids out of spring, which I tried fixing multiple times, which also got solved. Brother is planning a 1k km trip, so did not want to take risk with chain as it was making lot of noise. Changed it as well. Changed long due rear wheelbearings. By the by, gave him primarily for clutch overhaul for the trip.
Total bill: ₹ 3450.00 including parts and labor.
Approx parts breakup
Chain kit - ₹ 1,425.00
Damper Clutch - ₹ 100.00
Brake shoe kit - ₹ 306.00
Rear wheelbearing kit - ₹ 280.00 (3 pcs)
Oil and clutch plates provided by me adding another ₹1050.00 approx, making total ₹ 4600.00.
Jobs done:
- Engine reset. (Timing chain and valve install done previously was horrible).
- Valve clearance (A bit loosely set now, climbing rev easily).
- Clutch overhaul (60k on previous set).
- Chain sprocket (Did only 22k km on previous set, changed for trip, forgot to pick the old one).
- Rear wheelbearing.
- Brake shoes.
- Caliper issue fix.
- Tune up.
Bike is now butter smooth. No rattling or annoying sounds even dashing potholes. Accelerates really well, the best ever. Now happy in 60-70 range, no transitional vibrations. Tried 100, does without drama. Mileage back to 42 kmpl with a bit hard revving.
Any finally wash + detailing.
Meguiars Ultimate Compound + Tech Wax 2.0