Ban all Old Polluting Vehicles or Not?

Oct 8, 2011
ilango[speed thirst];132028 said:
A narrow missing padmini is not the car's fault , its drivers fault.
He could not stop the car ,i believe he upshifted a gear & made the engine stall or switched the car off with it in gear,the headlights switched off as he stopped, but as you say its still his fault as he is the one driving & should maintain his car to be road worthy,my point is more than the pollution prospect such cars are given at throw away prices & people who buy them dont spend money on them,my point is age is not a determining factor for a vehicles condition ,so even if a rule is passed to ban vehicles based on age,there should be an option where owners can choose to have them inspected & certified or make necessary changes & pay a small penalty if needed,i know people who have mint condition first type maruti 800s(original paint,not a dent till date,with a few thousand run) & 198O's Yamaha Rd350s,you cant obviously expect owners of such vehicles to scrap it or keep them in pathetic state,in comparison the Ne 118(one i mentioned) is like around 1992 model & he could have killed some one,nothing against the car,if that car was well maintained people would admire it than frown upon it.
Jul 20, 2011
@ prads - The theory of reduction oxydation is fine. However in practical terms there is much more to it. The world's cars with their cats do not produce clean air. 2 bye products of the car are cyanide and H2SO3 or sulphurous acid.
The sulphurous acid has sent many mechanics in the US into early retirement because of serious lung damage. These mechanics were specialised in cat changing.

The cyanides of the world's car population accumulating in a year's is enough to instantly kill the entire population of Maharashtra.

Calling the cat environmentally friendly is a load of rubbish. NOX is loved by the plants. Or has any one seen dead plants along the highway express? CO oxydises completely within 4 hours to CO2 without our help.

CO2 has a much bigger bearing on our environment than anything else the car might exhaust.

The DPF is not needed when engines are maintained properly.

The DPF is increasing fuel consumption (and takes away power), which increases CO2 output.

The cat increases fuel consumption too and can't deal with full throttle application. The cat will work adversly in the running hot phase and when reaching temperatures above the temperature window. When the cat is 'dead' as they say, it is by no means dead. It just works adversly. Cats go in from about 8,000kms.

New cars are not better than old cars. In a recent test the Alfo Mito with the 1.3 M-Jet engine the real COs out put per km was about 85 grams above the 99 grams claimed. The Mito was new.

To keep pollution down (and most applies to keeping safety up) it is necessary to maintain cars properly and buy them with brains rather than as a status symbol. Check tyre pressure and make sure that unnecessary weight is not transported due to our laziness.

Car manufacturers just waking up to reality as governments in Europe put a ;ot of pressure on them. All of a sudden it is possible to slash off the new Peugeot 208 110kg compared to the less roomy 207. The new Mazda MX5 is 200kg lighter than the old one. Even Alfa Romeo can build a light car now after hving realised that even car enthusiast do not buy overweight barges.

Safety and environmental friendliness are not a question of the age of the car rather than the right attitude of the ones owning them.
Sep 12, 2009
Well , then any ill maintained car should be banned.

A well maintained padmini may not stop as a present day cars , but the driver should be cautious .

Then , even a badly maintained innova taxi should be banned! with their bald tyres they wont stop in line.
So fc must be done yearly once to check condition for all the cars.

People like us will take care of cars almost every hour , but for others?? A strict fc must be done every year , If that is case , the accident rate can come down.
Oct 8, 2011
@ ilango[speed thirst]
Ya as i said age cannot be a determining factor for a condition of a vehicles but once cars which are really old are usually bought by people who can barely afford to run one & keep it in disarray,as for Fc once a year i think it will be an overload for the authorities every two years or three seems realistic approach in our country seeing the number of drivers using seat belts today in Bangalore (enforced rule from feb 1st) i realized enforcing such things are quite tuff.

@ drifter

I am no expert so cannot say more than what i have mentioned,so you suggest its better to go without a catcon,i dont think i said its pollution free! No car is,not even the electrics if you take the manufacturing process.

I have mentioned in plain what a cat con does & how it reduces the effects on health & environment instead of one without it,i dont think people at a traffic signal or traffic jam here in India such as two wheelers or people in autos want to be breathing in Formaldehyde(just imagine the number of engines running),they are not plants so NOx wont be of help to them either. Clean energy is still a long way ahead we have to make do with what we have.Since the thread was about polluting vehicles i thought of adding in what a cat con does over one without it.
Oct 23, 2009
Overload for the authorities?? Let them atleast work then , employ more manpower if you can't manage all the cars. And also i think i read somewhere that in some foreign countries FC should be got every one or 2 years. I think it's high time we reduce 15 years validity for FC'S. But this thing should be done strictly and FC'S should not be bought by bribing!
Oct 8, 2011
Overload for the authorities?? Let them atleast work then , employ more manpower if you can't manage all the cars. And also i think i read somewhere that in some foreign countries FC should be got every one or 2 years. I think it's high time we reduce 15 years validity for FC'S. But this thing should be done strictly and FC'S should not be bought by bribing!
Well with the number of cars pilling up every year if an Fc is needed every year then they wont bother to make proper checks considering the number of cars out on the roads it will be a huge task to have inspections done,so thats why i felt 2 or 3 years seems to be a better option,data says there are 6 lakh cars registered in Bangalore until 2009,FC for all these number of cars every year would be like cars passing through a toll booth where people are impatiently waiting behind you & you pay money get your slip & drive off.Yes i agree man power has to be increased to achieve this even if its once in 3 years also.
Jul 20, 2011
Trucks in the European community have to go every six weeks to an inspection and every year for an MOT. Cars are exempt for the first three years and then have to go in some countries for an annual Mt or by annual MOT. In some countries the pollution control is annually on top of it.

The EU is in terms of population just over a third of India. With close to 30 crore cars and trucks it has a much higher car to population ratio. I am sure it can be made work.

@ prads - Unfortunately the cat is not the better solution. It never was possible to prove the claims that the cat has a positive effect on the environment.

The NOX breakes down with or without the cat. And I am not keen on H2SO3 at all. And neither on all of the other bye products.
Sep 4, 2011
Mumbai MH01/MH46
id say a well maintained car should be allowed to stay. The old cars will always make us remember our childhood days like it does for me. But ban all the ill maintained cars.
Thread Starter #24
Jan 25, 2012
Fully agree with nickandre when he says a well maintained car should be allowed to stay and ban all badly maintained ones. I think if the authorities work on these lines, it would be fair to all concerned about road safety, worthiness and on pollution aspects as well. How the authorities will implement this on the ground is another story altogether.
Feb 2, 2012
I think by putting a ban on these kind of vehicles is not a good idea. Because everyone might not be financially sound to buy another one. And many of them would be running those vehicles for their daily bread and butter. So what if all those vehicles are banned. This might cause more poverty and crime.
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