All About Windows: News & Discussions

Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

low quality handsets like nokia lumia will always give problems :tongue:
Yours is a high quality moto razer right ? Keep your hand on your heart and be honest to god tell us has that phone of yours never hanged , sluttered and lagged ? .
Jul 29, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

Yours is a high quality moto razer right ? Keep your hand on your heart and be honest to god tell us has that phone of yours never hanged , sluttered and lagged ? .
let me be honest, i did face my share of issues. and they were shared in the forum also. But then i can only blame myself. I try every damn app on my phones ( 99% cracked apps) some do cause issues but then u can always remove them and / or revert to stock or do a custom recovery and /or wipe dalvik cache and what not. and your cell is again brand new. beauty is that options are endless.

after restoring to stock , my droid razr is again trouble free.

once you acquire a decent handset with good specs ( not mmx, lava other low build quality phones etc ), you can easily carry them for 2/3 years without worrying of going obsolete. unlike your case yous ol 7.8 WP became obsolete and you had to buy a 720 while i can try anything and everything new that comes out.

restoring the os to stock / restoring your apps "with data" with a single click is something which makes android special.

p.s even the 40k plus S4 lags at times but then with such tools , you can do wonders even in lowlife phones of mmx/lava etc.

see this [MOD][APK+SCRIPT+ZIP] Enable Init.d for Any Phones w/o Need of Custom Kernels!!! - xda-developers and the awesome mod here - [MOD][TWEAK-PACK][7-19-13][S4] ComaDose A Collection Of The Best, By The Best - xda-developers

Infromation About CrossBreeder-
- This is a new take at Android lag reduction. It's lightweight and won't consume battery. Users have reported drastic improvements in usability and even benchmark scores. It will show noticeable improvements - Android devices from Donut to Froyo to Gingerbread to Honeycomb to ICS and Jellybean.
- This is a combination of 5 different methodologies to reduce Android lag.
- Removal of DNS lag . A lot of the lag in a lot of apps, apart from the GUI lag, is due to slow DNS querying, specially on the mobile network.
- CrossBreeder now runs a caching, parallelising DNS client on the device. So now most of your DNS queries will be served from the cache and if not found, the query will be sent in in round robin fashion to multiple DNS servers including Google DNS, OpenDNS and your home router and the reply will be served to you, hot.
- This speeds up network access and networked apps, like Browsers of course, and Tapatalk, Gmail and thousands of others drastically. And removes a lot of the lag where it was due to DNS querying. This will not increase your network or download speed but pages will load much faster.
- This will future proof your devices as more and more apps start using HTML5 and/or reside completely as web pages or the like.-

summary is that people who own phones with not such great specs can make their rooted handset even more fast. basically the stock phone is tuned to work lag free. but since we guys love to experiment with apps and all ( blame the itch to get every live wp/app/game available), phones do lag at times. a n00b will fill his 512 mb ram phone with 500 plus apps and then cry that his phone lags. solutions are endless but the point is that cribbing is far more easier than actually doing something to make your phone faster.

android makes you the king. you decide what you do / want to keep with your phone.
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

let me be honest, i did face my share of issues. and they were shared in the forum also. But then i can only blame myself. I try every damn app on my phones ( 99% cracked apps) some do cause issues but then u can always remove them and / or revert to stock or do a custom recovery and /or wipe dalvik cache and what not. and your cell is again brand new. beauty is that options are endless.

after restoring to stock , my droid razr is again trouble free.

once you acquire a decent handset with good specs ( not mmx, lava other low build quality phones etc ), you can easily carry them for 2/3 years without worrying of going obsolete. unlike your case yous ol 7.8 WP became obsolete and you had to buy a 720 while i can try anything and everything new that comes out.
My lumia 800 was running superb , when I sold it and I sold it for a pretty good price too . I changed the phone because I don't use any phone more then one year . It still ran Skype , what's app , viber without any issue atall . Infact being a single core it still ran circles around dual core androids like a champ .

The only electronic item i haves used the most is iPad for 2 and half years and it works flawless even now ( iam yet to find a better or equal replacement ) I bought it when it was iOS 4.3 . Then apple has given me iOS 5 , 6 and even iOS 7 is comming .

How about your android tablets ? Is the moto Xoom still running ? Does it even function ?

Obsolete phones are mostly found in android , " htC one s " one of the flagship device of last year did it get jelly bean ?

Microsoft gave me 4 updates for my phone windows 7 , 7.2 , 7.5 , 7.8 .

I can show you countless devices which are still stuck on icecream sandwitch . Now don't tell me android is king and you can root it and all that . All are not tech savvy like you or have time to indulge in installing roms .

The point is to make android lag free , slutter free you have do effort , in windows /ios all this circus is not required .

Definition of being a king is different for every one . I will feel like slave to flash roms , and install anti virus and all kind things you do to make your android stable .

Anyway reviews for nokia lumia 1020 are out

Nokia Lumia 1020 Windows Phone 8 device reviews were posted by various tech blogs today. Here are some conclusions from the review. As usual, many of the reviews pointed out at Lumia 1020 running Windows Phone 8 OS as a let down. But apart from that, the device got positive reviews due to its impressive camera experience. For example, Readwrite wrote Nokia Lumia 1020 as “The Best Damn Smartphone Camera Money Can Buy”.



Best-in-class imaging experience
Good battery life
Smooth performance
Solid build quality and materials
Beautiful display
We’ve been waiting a long time for the 808 PureView to get a Windows Phone counterpart with the same (if not better) imaging prowess. Finally, it’s here. Now that we’ve had the opportunity to use the device, we can confidently say that the Lumia 1020 is the best Windows Phone device to date. If you’re a WP8 user who enjoys crafting the best possible photographs, you need to make the jump, even if you are paying a premium for the camera.
The Verge:

After a long period of resetting with Windows Phone, Nokia’s getting good, and fast. The 1020 is one of its best devices yet, and certainly the easiest to sell — if you really love cameras, you’ll really love the Lumia 1020. But a great camera wasn’t enough to sustain the 808 PureView, and even though Windows Phone 8 is a huge leap forward from Symbian it’s still a long way behind. There are plenty of compelling Windows Phone 8 options, from the gorgeous 925 to the feature-packed 1020, but they can’t change the fact that Windows Phone 8 itself just isn’t that compelling.


On both image quality and functionality, the Lumia 1020 has the best camera that’s ever been put in a smartphone. Hands Down. And it’s also a very capable phone; it’s fast, and its display is every bit as crisp and wonderful as the 928. And all of that in a package compact enough that it’s not just some throwaway concept—this is a real product for real people. For the first time ever, mankind has made a phone that’s really two things at once without being a monstrosity.
Laptop Mag:

Overall, the Nokia Lumia 1020 looks like the new smartphone camera to beat. No, the $299 price isn’t cheap, but this handset’s 41-MP sensor gives shutterbugs incredibly sharp detail and beautiful color in a variety of situations. Like other phones cameras, the 1020 can fall prey to acclimating for exposure and unbalanced color accuracy. But that’s where the Pro Cam app comes in with its various manual controls. To us, the Nokia Lumia 1020 represents an imaging triumph that further narrows the gap between smartphones and dedicated cameras.
Source - wmpoweruser .

For indepth review
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Jul 29, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

open you eyes and there is something beyond the horizon
oh no, i am short sighted, i refuse to open my eyes

ok i opened my eyes, what i see is something i dont understand
hell no, i am adamant, i dont wanna understand

i am happy as i am
i am happy with the way i am
to hell with others who run after things
for me this rat race is a time waste

let me drink my coffee in the same blue cup i always use
the color is blue but the coffee always tastes like new

p.s written by me just now :)
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

open you eyes and there is something beyond the horizon
oh no, i am short sighted, i refuse to open my eyes

ok i opened my eyes, what i see is something i dont understand
hell no, i am adamant, i dont wanna understand

i am happy as i am
i am happy with the way i am
to hell with others who run after things
for me this rat race is a time waste

let me drink my coffee in the same blue cup i always use
the color is blue but the coffee always tastes like new

p.s written by me just now :)
Wow did you write this by being inspired by yourself ? [clap]
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Mar 23, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

I dont know the reason for the handset to go on sleep mode like this, but this happened second time, last time it started again in few mins so didnt noticed that much that it slipped into sleep mode but yesterday it did for long time until thought to try V- and power button.
Even nokia online support said the same thing to do if such happens and reaons told were battery issue or some background apps running causes it.[frustration]
Forgot to say that, a couple of days back, when I was switching on the WiFi, it hanged. And after a few minutes, it restarted.
Mar 23, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

Amber/GDR2 for Nokia Lumia Windows Phone 8.

The Amber update for Nokia Lumia WP8s will be released on the second week of August!

Previously Windows Phone OS updates and Firmware updates from OEMs were released separately. But now they are pushed together as one update. So rather than delivering two updates in close succession, Nokia will be offering them together, and start pushing the update during August. Most probably in the second week of August, I don't have an exact date yet but I will let you know once I know the date. So the update is not coming this month as expected by many. Nokia Lumia Amber update will contain GDR2 in it, so it's just one update as I said above. Amber will be available to the entire Lumia Windows Phone 8 product portfolio, but some features will not be available to all devices. The software update availability will vary depending on phone model, region, and network service provider or carrier.

Source: private
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

Nokia’s Transfer My Data app updated, brings SD card support | WMPoweruser

Nokia Releases YouTube Upload App For Lumia Devices | WMPoweruser

Nokia has released an exclusive app called YouTube Upload for its Lumia Windows Phone devices. As the name suggests, it’s a simple YouTube uploader app. This app is not yet available for Lumias, I think we need Amber/GDR2 update to download and enjoy this app.

App Description:

This app helps you to share your videos quickly and easily with your friends, and works for all videos shot on Nokia Lumia phones with Windows Phone 8. Simply select the video in the Photos app and share, or upload after capturing and trimming with the Nokia Video Trimmer through share option.
Share your video over Wi-Fi or a mobile data connection, but be sure to check your network operator’s data charges first.
Download from Windows Phone Store for free.
And the big leak

Nokia’s Upcoming 6-inch Phablet Production Device Image Leaked? | WMPoweruser

Those with knowledge of the company’s plans said that the most innovative will be a device that can work as a phone and a tablet – known as a “phablet” – similar in size but with more advanced specifications to Samsung’s popular Galaxy Note.
This will be the Finnish group’s first move with Lumia into the larger screened mobile smart devices market, where rivals such as Apple and Samsung have already established a dominant position.
With Windows Phone GDR3 update supporting 1080p screens is coming in next few months, I will not be surprised if Nokia releases this 6-inch Lumia phablet by this holiday season.


May 4, 2012
New Delhi
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

unlike your case yous ol 7.8 WP became obsolete and you had to buy a 720 while i can try anything and everything new that comes out.
Sir, you need to be open to facts. I've 2+ years old HTC Mozart running WP7. I can't find a single Android phone among my friends which is as old and hasn't become obsolete or sold off. In fact, new purchasers in my office are always comparing their phones with mine to see how good their phones and the apps on them are. Phones like HTC One, Samsung S4, iPhone 5, Lumia 720 are compared. The biggest fear of an Android phone is actually the fact that they will become obsolete very soon with apps no more supporting them unlike on my WP7. Even most of Samsung models become obsolete.

About rooting and all, I don't understand advantage of Android here. I've changed my ROM too, to a Lumia 710 and it gives me all Nokia exclusive apps and features like more camera options, Drive, Maps, games, Cinemagraph and all.

By changing to a custom ROM, I also have much more things like file manager, USB video output and everything I could want.
Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

Sir, you need to be open to facts. I've 2+ years old HTC Mozart running WP7. I can't find a single Android phone among my friends which is as old and hasn't become obsolete or sold off. In fact, new purchasers in my office are always comparing their phones with mine to see how good their phones and the apps on them are. Phones like HTC One, Samsung S4, iPhone 5, Lumia 720 are compared. The biggest fear of an Android phone is actually the fact that they will become obsolete very soon with apps no more supporting them unlike on my WP7. Even most of Samsung models become obsolete.

About rooting and all, I don't understand advantage of Android here. I've changed my ROM too, to a Lumia 710 and it gives me all Nokia exclusive apps and features like more camera options, Drive, Maps, games, Cinemagraph and all.

By changing to a custom ROM, I also have much more things like file manager, USB video output and everything I could want.

And you forgot to mention after all this windows phone still runs smooth and fluid . Iam not sure if a 2 and half old android would work as smooth and fast as a similarly old windows phone that too with just 512 mb ram and single core processor .
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Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

Night photography with lumia 1020 without using a flash .

pic attached is low resolution for high resolution check here

Nokia Lumia 1020


Jan 21, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

Sir, you need to be open to facts. I've 2+ years old HTC Mozart running WP7. I can't find a single Android phone among my friends which is as old and hasn't become obsolete or sold off. In fact, new purchasers in my office are always comparing their phones with mine to see how good their phones and the apps on them are. Phones like HTC One, Samsung S4, iPhone 5, Lumia 720 are compared. The biggest fear of an Android phone is actually the fact that they will become obsolete very soon with apps no more supporting them unlike on my WP7. Even most of Samsung models become obsolete.

About rooting and all, I don't understand advantage of Android here.
about things becoming obsolete. the companies are to blamed. my dad uses a samsung galaxy fit/pop (mini GT5570) bought for about 7k some 2+years back. the official support ended with android 2.2 but with android and "rooting and all", it is running an android 4.2.2 OS.

with windows unfortunately, the win 7 ended with 7.8
By changing to a custom ROM, I also have much more things like file manager, USB video output and everything I could want.
AFAIK windows 8 cannot be rooted. or has the scene changed?
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Feb 28, 2012
Re: Nokia Lumia Series Smartphones Discussions and Experiences

about things becoming obsolete. the companies are to blamed. my dad uses a samsung galaxy fit/pop (mini GT5570) bought for about 7k some 2+years back. the official support ended with android 2.2 but with android and "rooting and all", it is running an android 4.2.2 OS.

with windows unfortunately, the win 7 ended with 7.8

Your dad as 4.2.2 because his son is a geek , techno kid . not everybody son , wife , bro , uncle is a tech savvy to install roms and root the phone understand this . The depend on phone makers only .

Yes it ended with 7.8 but after 4 official updates from Microsoft . Even now 7.8 just works fine has all the most used applications running super smooth .
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