Dear Sir,
We have developed steering cover & will launch in 1st week of Feb 10.
We are looking development of Boot mat & will start development for the same.
Thanks for your suggestion.
Kiran Waghmare,
Parts & Services,
Tel +91 2114 235961
From: []
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:42 AM
To: support
Subject: Customer Support - Feedback
Importance: High
You have received a feedback on Customer Support section.
Please find below the details:
Name: Mr Ravi
Comments: Hi, I own a Punto MJD. I saw the genuine accessory list on the website. I am wondering why Fiat is not providing Boot Mat and Steering Cover as accessories. I feel these 2 are important accessories and lots of customers are waiting for it. Can i have update on this please.
Thank You